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TheDruidsKeeper edited this page Jun 26, 2013 · 2 revisions

These are some frequently asked questions about MultiMC 4. If none of these answer your question, feel free to come and ask your question in MultiMC's IRC channel (#MultiMC on

I found a bug! What should I do?

If you're sure it's a bug with MultiMC, please report it at Remember to include as much information as possible, such as your OS, OS version, what version of MultiMC you're using (including the build number), what version of Minecraft you're using (if applicable), etc.

Why does MultiMC say "Minecraft has crashed" when I close Minecraft with the X button on the window?

This has to do with how MultiMC determines when Minecraft has crashed. When Minecraft exits, it gives an error code. If this error code is 0, it indicates that the program closed normally (there was no crash). If the error code is not 0, however, it indicates that the program did not close normally. When you close Minecraft using the X button on the window, it exits with an error code that is not 0. MultiMC then sees this error code and thinks that Minecraft has crashed. At the moment there is nothing we can really do about this and it doesn't really cause any problems, so you should just ignore it for now. If you close the game using the quit button at the main menu, you should have no problems.

What does the core mods tab in the edit mods window do?

The core mods tab simply adds mods to the "coremods" folder inside your instance's Minecraft folder. This folder is used by Forge Mod Loader to load certain mods and you should only place mods in it if the mod's install instructions tell you to put it in the coremods folder (NEI and CodeChickenCore, for example).

My instances crash saying "Could not reserve enough space for object heap." What should I do?

You've probably set your memory allocations too high in settings. Try going into your settings menu and lowering them (under the advanced tab). You should also make sure you're using 64-bit Java if you're on a 64-bit computer.

MultiMC won't run on my Mac! What should I do?

First, make sure you're running at least Mac OS 10.6 (if not, update). Next, make sure you're on a 64 bit Mac. MultiMC 4 does not support 32-bit OS X yet.

I downgraded to indev / infdev and my instance now my instance won't launch! What should I do?

Although MultiMC does show indev and infdev in the downgrade menu, it is currently not compatible with them. If you downgrade to indev or infdev, MultiMC will not be able to launch the instance.

Can you make a version of MultiMC for servers?

Maybe, but not yet. This would require a lot of code changes to MultiMC in order to work. Seeing as we just released v4, we have much higher priorities at the moment than adding support for server instances.