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A simulated web application authentication form. This form sends no out-going requests, but is instead intended to exercise web forms with the Angular5+ framework. Template driven and Reactive forms used to create a mock account. The initial sign up button begins the account creation process - an autofill button is provided to quick populate all fields.

Containerized with Docker

This application has been containerize with Docker. A Dockerfile is included with the project space to build a Centos linux distribution which can host the compiled angular-forms project.

Building the production ng distribution

ng build --aot --prod --base-href=/angular-forms/

Builds the project with the production flag (although no production specific configurations), ahead-of-time compilation, and the base-href configured as /angular-forms/. The base-href is configured as /angular-forms/ to support github pages hosting, see URL above.

Building the Docker image

Dockerfile contains a simple set of commands to 1) pull the latest Centos distribution, 2) yum install the required hosting tools, 3) move the compiled distribution to the filesystem, and 4) expose the internal hosting port and define the image entrypoint. The ENTRYPOINT configuration allows the built Docker image to be run as an executable.

The image can be built using the command

#-t ngformex defines a tag to identify the image
docker build -t ngformex .

The image can be executed using

docker run -p 4300:4300

and accessed via localhost:4300/angular-forms/