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JaninasMeal-App 🍽️

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Welcome to JaninasMeal-App, a sleek and user-friendly recipe management app built using Flutter. The app empowers you to discover, organize, and create a wide range of delicious recipes with ease.

🌟 Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Run flutter pub get to install all the necessary dependencies.
  3. Execute flutter run to launch the app.

✨ Features

  • Filter Recipes: Effortlessly discover recipes by filtering according to categories, allergies, or preferences.
  • Detailed Recipe Information: Access comprehensive recipe details, including ingredients, step-by-step instructions, cooking time, difficulty level, and more.
  • Favorites: Save your favorite recipes for quick access whenever inspiration strikes.
  • Personalize: Create, edit, and delete your own recipes to build your unique collection.
  • Import Recipes: Add recipes directly from a web link, including popular sites like Zuckerbrot & Jagdwurst.

📲 Download

Get JaninasMealAPP on the go! Download the app from the Google Play Store.

Embark on a culinary journey with RecipeBox and unleash your inner chef! 🍳