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A Minecraft 1.16.5 modpack developed for the server.

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The Fettlol Modpack

This is a Fabric modpack designed for singleplayer and multiplayer. It sees fairly regular updates and iterations, which can be followed in the file. The most recent release can always be found on the Releases page.

Any questions or problems can be raised as an issue on this repository or by getting in touch through the Fettlol Discord Server. This server is the home of the community surrounding both the modpack and the multiplayer server that it is connected to.


The preferred way of using this modpack is through the minepkg service. Install minepkg by following the instructions provided here: Once you have done so, simply running minepkg launch fettlol should be enough to launch a Minecraft client with the Fettlol modpack configured for you.

Inspiration and Philosophy

This modpack was put together by me; Breki Tomasson. I am a long-time fan of Vanilla Minecraft, and used to be quite opposed to all the dramatic changes that I would see in the various modpacks that people were playing. But you know what they say about slippery slopes ... I began my journy by installing a couple of minor datapacks from VanillaTweaks, then started playing around with a couple of plugins to a Spigot server I was hosting for a couple of friends. It didn't take long until I started exploring client-side mods in the Fabric ecosystem, and that's when the first iteration of this modpack got started.

When building this modpack, my guiding principle has always been to stick to the Vanilla Minecraft experience as much as possible. I want this to be a modpack that a person who has never touched modded Minecraft will be able to pick up and launch without feeling lost, confused, or disappointed. There are plenty of new things to discover and explore in the Fettlol modpack, of course, but the aim is always to make them feel as integrated and natural as possible, gradually revealing themselves as the player continues to explore their world.

In short, the aim of the modpack is to introduce greater variety and more nuance in your gameplay rather than introduce entirely new mechanics, systems or tools.

Tweaks and Changes

I am a big fan of Hermitcraft and have followed it since season five. For this reason, I've always paid close attention whenever a member of the Hermitcraft server has said something like "I wish I could ..." or "This should really be in the game", etc. This has led me to implemented changes such as:

  • All flowers (except Wither Roses, obviously) can be duplicated with Bone Meal, not just the double-high ones.
  • Bows with the Infinity enchant no longer require you to have an arrow in your inventory.
  • Slime Blocks can be dyed, and Slime Blocks of different colors do not stick to each other.
  • Terracotta and Concrete can be crafted into slabs, stairs and so on.
  • The color of sheep can be identified even after shearing.
  • Villagers will follow players holding Emerald Blocks.
  • Water Buckets can be enchanted with Infinity (Lava Buckets cannot).

Most of the remaining changes that this modpack performs fall into the "greater variety" or "ease of use" category. Examples of these kinds of changes are:

  • A new "Duct" block exists to move items from place to place. They cannot pull items into them, so a Hopper or Dropper will have to be used to push the item into the Duct.
  • Blocks where mobs can spawn can be identified through a light level overlay, toggled using the F7 button.
  • Several previously uncraftable items now have crafting recipes (horse armor, tridents, etc).
  • Several mobs have slightly altered loot tables, allowing mob farms to generate Sand (Husk), Gravel (Zombie), Lapis Lazuli (Guardians), and more.
  • All dimensions have been made much more diverse through the addition of new biomes, structures, villages, etc.
  • Chests and barrels can be upgraded in a way similar to tools, going from wood to Netherite. Higher levels of chests allow for more storage.
  • There are 30+ new flowers, which can be crafted into their corresponding dye colors, making dyes of all colors easier to get.
  • There are 20+ new tree/wood types, with their corresponding craftable slabs, stairs, trapdoors, buttons, etc.
  • There are several new crops, along with several new food items that can be crafted using them.
  • The world contains several new "ambient" mobs like parakeet, deer, duck, seal, flamingo, etc., as well as additional variations on the traditional sheep, cows, etc.
  • "Wings" can be crafted and attached to the player. They are a permanent upgrade, persisting through death, and work just like Elytras. This allows players to fly while wearing chest armor. Getting them is not going to be easy, however.
  • Trees can be cut down in a single blow, saving us from the eternal problem of floating trees.
  • Leaves decay faster.
  • Saplings dropped onto grass automatically plant themselves after a while. Seeds dropped onto farmland do the same.

That said, there are a small handful of not-so-Vanilla-Minecraft changes that have made it into the modpack, mostly centered around storage and automation. One of my biggest pet peeves in Minecraft has always been how unwieldly storage solutions can become - the Hoppers create lag, they often break from chunk loading and unloading, they're bulky and so on. For that reason, Applied Energistics 2 has been added to the modpack, with all of the storage solutions that it offers. In order to supply the power required for the Applied Energistics 2 storage solution, Tech Reborn is also included, although some tweaks have been made to it to remove some of the weapons and armor that it adds. Extra Generators has also been added to provide additional sources to power your devices.

The Server

The modpack can be played in single-player worlds or multiplayer - some of the features and changes are going to be particularly obvious in multiplayer. For this reason, we have made a multiplayer server available to the public. The server is pre-defined in the client releases, and can only be connected to using a client that implements this modpack.

Credits and Acknowledgements

To mod developers out there, if you find your mod in this modpack and do not wish for us to include it, please contact us by opening an issue in the GitHub repository. Please do so using an account that contains the repository for the mod in question so that we can verify ownership. Also note that while we do take your request to remove the mod seriously, to do so can sometimes take a few days, depending on how integral the mod is to the modpack.

The full list of mods and datapacks, including any tweaks or adjustments we have made to the mod in question, can be found in the file