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Currently updating codebase to WPF in C#. An extremely customizable keystroke launcher with plugins


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An extremely customizable, portable keystroke launcher with plugins

Note - this codebase is a complete rewrite of the app

The app has a plugin architecture so that, like the app per the old codebase, it can / will have additional features such as opening files & folders, color conversion, translation and much more.

I intend to make the app extremely customizable.

Instructions to use app

To use the app, run Quokka.exe

Default Keyboard shortcut Use Notes
Left ⊞ + Space launches the search bar This shortcut is modifiable; see the WindowHotKey setting
🠙 & 🠛 select items The keys used cannot be changed
executes an item The key used cannot be changed
shows context pane for item The key used cannot be changed

The Tray task icon context menu can be used to:

  • launch the search window
  • open the settings file
  • open the PlugBoard
  • exit the app

To add a plugin, download it to the PlugBoard folder
If you do not wish to use a plugin, simply delete the appropriate folder in the PlugBoard

Special commands

special commands are case-sensitive to ensure they do not interfere with other functions of the app or plugins

Command (Case Sensitive) Use Plugin Notes
AllApps list all installed apps InstalledApps This command is modifiable within the plugin specific settings

Along with the list of apps, an extra item is added to the start, allowing users to open shell:appsFolder. This item can be blacklisted.
AllPortableApps list all portable apps PortableApps This command is modifiable within the plugin specific settings

Along with the list of apps, an extra item is added to the start, allowing users to open the portable apps directory. This item can be blacklisted.

App settings

All settings are loaded when the application starts, meaning that you will have to exit and re-start the app to see changes.

Plugins may have their own, specific settings files in the root of their respective folders in the PlugBoard. You can open The PlugBoard using the Tray Task Icon context menu

General settings

Setting name Notes Default Value
WindowHotKey The default value is interpreted as 'Left Windows key + Spacebar'

The full list of keys that can be used in the setting can be found here (use the first column)

Style settings


Setting name Notes Default Value
WindowTopMargin The window is centered horizontally but anchored to the top of the screen. This setting controls how far down it will appear. ScreenHeight/3

Search bar

Setting name Notes Default Value
SearchBarColor color White
SearchBarRounding corner radius 32
SearchBarBorderColor border color Black
SearchBarBorderSize border thickness 3
SearchBarHeight height 64
SearchBarWidth width screen width / 2
SearchIconWidth icon width 64
SearchIcon icon file ?
Entry field
Setting name Notes Default Value
SearchFieldTxtColor text color Black
SearchFieldTxtSelColor select color Black
SearchFieldHeight height ?
SearchFieldWidth ? ?
SearchFieldMargin ? ?
SearchFieldFont font family ?
SearchFieldTxtSize font size 24
SearchFieldPlaceholder This is the text in the search field when there is no input - a placeholder Enter Query
SearchFieldPlaceholderMargin This is the margin (spacing) around the placeholder text ?
SearchFieldPlaceholderColor This is the color of the placeholder in the search field ?
SearchFieldPlaceholderSize placeholder font size ?
SearchFieldPlaceholderFont placeholder font family ?

Results List

Setting name Notes Default Value
ListContainerMargin margin ?
ListContainerBorderColor border color ?
ListContainerBorderThickness border thickness ?
ListContainerRounding corner radius 15
ListContainerColor background color white
ListContainerMinHeight Min Height ?
ListContainerWidth width ?
Setting name Notes Default Value
ListMargin margin ?
Scroll Bar Background
Setting name Notes Default Value
ScrollBarBgVisibility visibility ?
ScrollBarBgColor color ?
ScrollBarBgRounding corner radius ?
ScrollBarBgBorderColor border color ?
ScrollBarBgBorderThickness border thickness ?
ScrollBarBgWidth width ?
ScrollBarBgMargin margin ?
Scroll Bar Thumb Background
Setting name Notes Default Value
ScrollThumbBgVisibility visibility Visible
ScrollThumbBgColor color ?
ScrollThumbBgRounding corner radius ?
ScrollThumbBgBorderColor border color ?
ScrollThumbBgBorderThickness border thickness ?
ScrollThumbBgWidth width ?
ScrollThumbBgMargin margin ?
Scroll Bar Thumb
Setting name Notes Default Value
ScrollThumbVisibility visibility ?
ScrollThumbColor color ?
ScrollThumbRounding corner radius ?
ScrollThumbBorderColor border color ?
ScrollThumbBorderThickness border thickness ?
ScrollThumbWidth width ?
ScrollThumbMargin margin ?
List item
Setting name Notes Default Value
ListItemBorderThickness border thickness ?
ListItemHoverBorderColor hover border color ?
ListItemHoverBgColor hover background color ?
ListItemSelectedBorderColor selected border color ?
ListItemSelectedBgColor selected background color ?
ListItemRounding corner radius 15
ListItemMargin margin ?
ListItemIconSize icon size 50
ListItemTextMargin text margin (from icon) ?
ListItemNameFont name font family ?
ListItemNameSize name size ?
ListItemNameColor name color Black
ListItemDescFont description font family ?
ListItemDescSize description size ?
ListItemDescColor description color ?
Context Pane
Context panes are implemented by plugins. If an item does not use these settings, it is due to how the plugin's author developed the context pane.

Setting name Notes Default Value
ContextPaneBorderColor ? ?
ContextPaneBorderThickness ? ?
ContextPaneCornerRounding ? ?
ContextPaneBackground ? ?
ContextPaneMinHeight ? ?
Setting name Notes Default Value
ContextPaneListMargin margin ?
ContextButtonBackgroundOnHover ? ?
ContextButtonContentMargin ? ?
Scroll Bar Background
Setting name Notes Default Value
ContextPaneScrollBarBgVisibility visibility ?
ContextPaneScrollBarBgColor color ?
ContextPaneScrollBarBgRounding corner radius ?
ContextPaneScrollBarBgBorderColor border color ?
ContextPaneScrollBarBgBorderThickness border thickness ?
ContextPaneScrollBarBgWidth width ?
ContextPaneScrollBarBgMargin margin ?
Scroll Bar Thumb Background
Setting name Notes Default Value
ContextPaneScrollThumbBgVisibility visibility ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbBgColor color ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbBgRounding corner radius ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbBgBorderColor border color ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbBgBorderThickness border thickness ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbBgWidth width ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbBgMargin margin ?
Scroll Bar Thumb
Setting name Notes Default Value
ContextPaneScrollThumbVisibility visibility ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbColor color ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbRounding corner radius ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbBorderColor border color ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbBorderThickness border thickness ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbWidth width ?
ContextPaneScrollThumbMargin margin ?

Planned plugins

In order of priority:

Developed? Plugin
installed app launcher
portable app launcher
In progress file/folder launcher - everything integration
screen capture - sharex integration
os power commands (logout, lock, sleep, chutdown, etc.)
control panel shortcuts
Windows settings
IP & MAC address
cli commands - powershell
unicode character lookup
color space conversion
unit conversion
currency conversion
lorem ipsum generator
emoji lookup
url opener
wikipedia search
clipboard manager
keepass integration
Timezone converter
workflows - launch multiple shortcuts at once - see below

Building the app (Portable)

  1. open Visual Studio & clone Quokka

  2. Build solution

  3. copy Debug folder (in bin) for Quokka project to desired location (e.g. USB drive)

(You may rename the folder to, for e.g., 'Quokka')
4. (Download / Delete) any plugins you (do / do not) wish to use
(In the PlugBoard folder)
(3 plugins are included with the source code - InstalledApps, ShowTypedText and TypedText)

The TypedText and ShowTypedText plugins are meant as demos and examples of plugins and will not be included in the final release

Creating a plugin

  1. open Visual Studio & clone Quokka
  2. in the solution, create a project of type WPF class library, naming it "Plugin_YourPluginNameHere"
  3. rename the cs file to "Plugin_YourPluginNameHere"
  4. edit the project file to look like the following:

    The following is part of the ShowTypedText plugin:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">




    <ProjectReference Include="..\Quokka\Quokka.csproj" />

  1. In the cs file add
using Quokka.Plugger.Contracts;
using Quokka;

and create a ListItem class for your item type.

e.g., the following is part of the ShowTypedText plugin:

class TypedTextItem : ListItem {
        public string query;
        public TypedTextItem(string query) {
   = "Typed:" + query;
            this.query = query;
            this.description = "The search field contains the above text";
            this.icon = new BitmapImage(new Uri(
                Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Config\\Resources\\information.png"));

        //When item is selected, copy text
        public override void execute() {
  1. create a class that inherits from IPlugger
    (this is in the same namespace and can go in the same file)

    e.g., The following is part of the ShowTypedText plugin:

public partial class ShowTypedText : IPlugger {

        public ShowTypedText() {}

        public string PluggerName { get; set; } = "ShowTypedText";

        /// <summary>
        /// This will get called when user types a query into the search field
        /// </summary>
        public List<ListItem> OnQueryChange(string query) {
            List<ListItem> ItemList = new List<ListItem>();
            ItemList.Add(new ShowTypedTextItem(query));
            return ItemList;

        public List<String> SpecialCommands() {
            return new List<String>();

        public List<ListItem> OnSpecialCommand(string command) {
            return new List<ListItem>();

        public void OnAppStartup() { }

        public void OnAppShutdown() { }

        public void OnSearchWindowStartup() { }


OnQueryChange is the method that is called by the SearchWindow when a user types in a query
In this method, you should create your list item objects, filter them (if needed), and return them in a list

If your plugin has a special command, then you will need to sort the list for that command yourself. Normal results (those returned in OnQueryChange) do not need to be sorted as Quokka will sort them once it has results from all of the plugins the program is using during runtime.

  1. Every plugin (for now) will need a context pane for its item type
  • In the project, add a WPF Page called 'ContextPane'
  • ensure ContextPane : Page (inherits page)
  • ensure the plugin's project file has
    <Compile Update="ContextPane.xaml.cs">

    <Page Update="ContextPane.xaml">
  • add information / extra actions to the pane

    e.g., The following is part of the ShowTypedText plugin:

<Page x:Class="Plugin_ShowTypedText.ContextPane"
    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="800"

    <Border ...>

        <Grid Margin="10" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center">


            <Grid Grid.Column="0">


                <Image Grid.Row="0" x:Name="DetailsImage"/>
                <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap"
                    Text="You typed the text after 'Typed:'" Grid.Row="1" Padding="10"/>
                <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap"
                    Text="" Grid.Row="2" x:Name="text" Padding="10"/>

            <Grid Grid.Column="1">

                    HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" x:Name="ButtonsListView">

                    <ui:Button Content="Copy the text" Padding="10" Click="CopyText"/>
                    <ui:Button Content="Another 'Copy the text' button"
                        Padding="10"  Click="CopyText"/>
                    <ui:Button Content="Another 'Copy the text' button"
                        Padding="10"  Click="CopyText"/>

using Quokka;

namespace Plugin_ShowTypedText {

    public partial class ContextPane : Page{

        private Quokka.ListItem Item;

        public ContextPane() {
            this.Item = (Application.Current.MainWindow as SearchWindow).SelectedItem;
            DetailsImage.Source = this.Item.icon;
            text.Text =;


        private void Page_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {
            switch (e.Key){
                case Key.Enter:

                    if ((ButtonsListView.SelectedIndex == -1)) ButtonsListView.SelectedIndex = 0;

                    Wpf.Ui.Controls.Button currentButton =
                        (ButtonsListView.SelectedItem as Wpf.Ui.Controls.Button);
                case Key.Down:
                    if ((ButtonsListView.SelectedIndex == -1)) {
                        ButtonsListView.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    } else if (ButtonsListView.SelectedIndex == ButtonsListView.Items.Count - 1) {
                        ButtonsListView.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    } else {
                case Key.Up:
                    if ((ButtonsListView.SelectedIndex == -1) ||
                        (ButtonsListView.SelectedIndex == 0)) {

                        ButtonsListView.SelectedIndex = ButtonsListView.Items.Count - 1;

                    } else {
                case Key.Apps: //This is the menu key
                    (Application.Current.MainWindow as SearchWindow).contextPane.Visibility
                        = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    (Application.Current.MainWindow as SearchWindow).searchBox.Focus();

                    //makes showing a new pane more reliable
                    (Application.Current.MainWindow as SearchWindow).contextPane.Source = null;
            e.Handled = true;
  1. Build the solution

Done! You have created a plugin for the app and can start using it.
To stop using it, delete the appropriate folder from the PlugBoard