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Ruby through code samples

Table of Contents

Hello World

puts 'Hello World!'

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__ENCODING__  # The script encoding of the current file
__END__       # Marks the end of the Ruby program; DATA can follow  
__FILE__      # The path to the current file
__LINE__      # The line number of this keyword in the current file

BEGIN         # Runs before any other code in the current file
END           # Runs after any other code in the current file
DATA          # An IO stream to read data embedded in the program following __END__

def           # Defines a method
defined?      # Returns a string describing its argument
do            # Starts a block
alias         # Creates an alias between two methods (and other things)
and           # Short-circuit Boolean and with lower precedence than &&
begin         # Starts an exception handling block
break         # Leaves a block early
case          # Starts a case expression
class         # Creates or opens a class
def           # Defines a method
defined?      # Returns a string describing its argument
do            # Starts a block
else          # The unhandled condition in case, if and unless expressions
elsif         # An alternate condition for an if expression
end           # The end of a syntax block.
ensure        # Starts a section of code that is always run when an exception is raised
false         # Boolean false
for           # A loop that is similar to using the each method
if            # Used for if and modifier if expressions
in            # Used to separate the iterable object and iterator variable in a for loop
module        # Creates or opens a module
next          # Skips the rest of the block
nil           # A false value usually indicating “no value” or “unknown”
not           # Inverts the following boolean expression. Has a lower precedence than !
or            # Boolean or with lower precedence than ||
redo          # Restarts execution in the current block
rescue        # Starts an exception section of code in a begin block
retry         # Retries an exception block
return        # Exits a method
self          # The object the current method is attached to
send          # Invoke a method
__send__      # Alternative for the above, in case of name clashes
super         # Calls the current method in a superclass
then          # Indicates the end of conditional blocks in control structures
true          # Boolean true
undef         # Prevents a class or module from responding to a method call
unless        # Used for unless and modifier unless expressions
until         # Creates a loop that executes until the condition is true
when          # A condition in a case expression
while         # Creates a loop that executes while the condition is true
yield         # Starts execution of the block sent to the current method

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#This is a single line comment

This is a multiline comment
This is a multiline comment

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_age = 21     # local variable
1age = 21     # INVALID variable name
age = 21      # local variable
@age = 21     # instance variable
@@age = 21    # class variable
$age = 21     # global variable

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AGE = 21      # constant; by convention - constants can be modified and generate a warning

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Integer Numbers

1234                  # Fixnum decimal
-1234                 # Negative Fixnum
1_234                 # Fixnum decimal (with underscore to improve readability)
0b1011                # binary
0xff                  # hexadecimal
0377                  # octal
12345678901234567890  # Bignum

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Floating Numbers

123.4                # floating point value
4.0e2                # 400.0 - scientific notation
4E2                  # 400.0 - dot not required
4e+2                 # 400.0 - sign before exponential

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Backslash notations

(also ''escaped characters')

\n                  # Newline (0x0a)
\r                  # Carriage return (0x0d)
\f                  # Formfeed (0x0c)
\b                  # Backspace (0x08)
\a                  # Bell (0x07)
\e                  # Escape (0x1b)
\s                  # Space (0x20)
\x                  # Character x``
\nnn                # Octal (n = 0-7)
\xnn                # Hesadecimal (n = 0-9, a-f, A-F)
\cx, \C-x           # Control-x
\M-x                # Meta x; usually used for keyboard/terminal control
\M-\C-x             # Meta-Control-x; usually used for keyboard/terminal control
\unnnn              # Unicode code point U+nnnn (Ruby 1.9+)
puts "ln1\nln2"     # Newline (0x0a); prints two lines
puts "n123\rab"     # Carriage return (0x0d); prints one line, "ab23"
puts "f12\f345"     # Formfeed (0x0c); prints two lines, offset
puts "abc\bx"       # Backspace (0x08); prints 'abx'
puts "bell\a\a\a"   # Bell (0x07); prints 'bell' and rings bell three times
puts "ab\ecd"       # Escape (0x1b); prints 'abd'
puts "ab\scd"       # Space (0x20); prints 'ab cd'
puts "ab\xcd"       # Character x; prints 'abxcd'
puts "ab\015x"      # Octal (n = 0-7); prints 'xb', same as \r
puts "ab\xdx"       # Hesadecimal (n = 0-9, a-f, A-F); prints 'xb', same as \r
puts "abc\C-Hxyz"   # Control-x; prints 'abxyz', same as \b; \C-@ == \x00, \C-A == \x01, ...  
puts "\u2713"       # Unicode code point U+nnnn (Ruby 1.9+); prints "✓"

ASCII complete list

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Percent Literals

# can use any paired delimiters
# Uppercase versions (as in %I, %Q) allow interpolation and escaped characters
baz = "abc"
%I{foo bar #{baz}}  # Array of Symbols: [:foo, :bar, :abc]
%i{foo bar #{baz}}  # Array of Symbols: [:foo, :bar, :"\#{baz}"]
%q(use a " here)    # Strings: "use a " here"
%{...}              # Alternative Strings notation
%r{/home/user}      # RegExp: \/home\/user
%s{fancy symbol}    # Symbol: :"fancy symbol" (not recommended)
%w{foo bar baz}     # Array of Strings: ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
%x{cat __FILE__}    # Backtick: the contents of the current file

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str1 = <<EODOC
This is some data to 
go into
the str1 variable
puts str1       # Exact text, with carriage returns, in str1

str2 = <<-INDENTED
  More dumnmy text, indented.
  Leading spaces are included in the output
  #{str1} - yes, interpolation is supported
puts str2       # Exact text including indent spaces; HERE marker can be indented

str3 = <<"***"
You can use special characters,
enclosed in quqotes.
puts str3       # Exact text

str4 = <<~SQUIGGLY_DOC
  The tilde '~" modifies the indentation
  of the text. The leading spaces of the
  least-indented line are removed from all lines.
    This line will be indented two spaces.
puts str4       # Modified indentation, as noted in the text

Enclosing the HEREDOC identifier in
sinqle quotes means no interpolation,
so #{str4} is printed character-for-character.
puts str5       # HEREDOC with no interpolation

str6 <<`BACKTICKS`
cat #{__FILE__}
puts str6       # Prints the results of the cat command

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array = []                            # Array; zero-based indexing
array =                  # Array with size 
array =, "abc")           # ["abc", "abc"]
array = Array(0..9)                   # [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
first_item = array.first              # Array first item
first_item = array[0]                 # Array first item
last_item = array.last                # Array last item
last_item = array[array.size - 1]     # Array last_item
array.size                            # Array size
array.length                          # Array size
array.count                           # Array size                           # Element at index 5
array.push(42)                        # Add 42 to end of array
array.pop                             # Remove last element from array
array.shift                           # Remove first element from array
array.unshift(15)                     # Add 15 to beginning of array
array.include?("abc")                 # Return true if the value is present in array
array.take(2)                         # Return the first n itens of the array
array.drop(2)                         # Drops first n elements from array and returns the rest of the elements as a new array
array.index("abc")                    # Return index of "abc" in array or nil if not found
array.sort                            # Return a new sorted array
array.sort!                           # Perform a sort operation in array directly
array.delete("abc")                   # Delete all items in array that are equals to obj "abc" given as parameter. Return last item deleted or nil if item was not found 
array.insert(1, "xyz")                # Inserts the given values before the element with the given index. Needed to pass index and objects as parameters
array.empty?                          # Return true if the array has no elements
array.uniq                            # Return a new array removing duplicated values
array.uniq!                           # Remove duplicated values from array 
array.methods.sort - Object.methods   # List all Array instance methods
array = %w{a b c #{num}}              # ["a", "b", "c", "\#{num}"]
array = %W{a b c #{num}}              # ["a", "b", "c", "5"] (if num = 5)

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hash = {}                         # New Hash without default value
hash ="default_value")  # New hash with a default value for any key
hash.default = "another_value"    # Changes default value
hash.size                         # Hash size
hash.length                       # Hash size
hash.count                        # Hash size
hash[1]                           # Get the value or default if key not found
hash.clear                        # Removes all key-value pairs from hash
hash.delete(1)                    # Deletes a key-value pair by key
hash.empty?                       # Test if hash is empty (true or false)
hash.invert                       # New hash with inverted key-value pairs
hash.values                       # Returns a new array containing all the values of hash.

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class Customer

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# Arithmetic Operators
a + b           # Adition
a - b           # Subtraction
a * b           # Multiplication
a / b           # Division
a % b           # Modulus
a**b            # Exponent

# Comparison Operators
a == b          # Checks if the value of two operands are equal
a != b          # Checks if the value of two operands are different
a > b           # Checks if the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand
a < b           # Checks if the value of left operand is less than the value of right operand
a >= b          # Checks if the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the value of right operand
a <= b          # Checks if the value of left operand is less than or equal to the value of right operand
a <==> b        # Returns 0 if first operand equals second, 1 if greater and -1 if less
(1...10) === 5  # Used to test equality within a when clause of a case statement
a.eql?(b)       # Check if the type and value are equals
a.equal?b       # Check if the the objects have the same id

# Logical Operators
a && b          # "and" operator (higher precedence)
a and b         # "and" operator 
a || b          # "or" operator (higher precedence)
a or b          # "or" operator 
!a              # Negation operator (higher precedence)
not a           # Negation operator

# Bitwise Operators
a = 60          # 0011 1100 in binary format
b = 13          # 0000 1101 in binary format
a&b             # 0000 1100
a|b             # 0011 1101
a^b             # 0011 0001
~a              # 1100 0011

# Parallel Assignment
a, b, c = 10, 20, 30  # a = 10, b = 20, c = 30
a, b = b, c           # Swapping the values

# Ternary Operator
true ? "true" : "false"   # Result is "true"

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(1..10)                     # Creates a range from 1 to 10 inclusive
(1...10)                    # Creates a range from 1 to 9
('a'..'d')                  # 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'
(1..10).to_a                # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
('bar'..'bat').to_a         # ["bar", "bas", "bat"]

# Range methods
range1 = (1..10)            # Creates a range from 1 to 10 inclusive
range1.include?(5)          # Return true
range1.min                  # Return the min value
range1.max                  # Return the max value
range1.reject {|i| i < 5 }  # Return [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

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'Simple string literal'         # Simple string literal
myString ="TEST")   # Create an instance of String object
foo = myString.downcase         # Return a downcased copy of the string
foo = myString.downcase!        # Downcase the content of string with self-assignment
foo = myString.upcase           # Return a upcased copy of the string
foo = myString.upcase!          # Upcase the content of string with self-assignment
foo = myString.capitalize       # First character converted to uppercase
foo = myString.capitalize!      # First character converted to uppercase with self-assignment.
foo = myString.count "T"        # Return the number of "T" character inside myString
foo = myString.empty?           # Return true if the string has length equals 0
foo = myString.size             # Return the number of character length
foo = myString.reverse          # Return a new string with the characters in reverse order
foo = myString.reverse!         # Reverse the content of string with self-assignment
foo = myString.delete "S"       # Return a copy of all characters in intersection of its arguments deleted
foo = myString.delete! "S"      # Perform a delete operation in string with self-assignment. Returning nil if the string was not modified.
foo = myString.split ''         # Divides str into substrings based on a delimiter, returning an array of these substrings. 

#String concatenation
myString << "S"                 # concat string "S" directly into myString
foo = myString + "S"            # Return a new string with concatenation of myString and "S" character

#String interpolation
"Do the unit #{foo}"            # Return a new string concatenated with foo variable.

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Conditional Structures

# simple if statement - most commmon structure for decisions

if expression
  # some code that will only be executed if expression is true.

# an alternative for a if statement is using the ternary expression
# though these are not so easy to read, they can be helpful.

missed_class ?  'the alumn missed class' : 'the alumn was present'

# the expression above returns the first string if missed_class is true, otherwise
# it returns the second string.

# if/else statement

if expression
  # some code that will only be executed if expression is true.
  # block of code that will only be executed if expression is false.

# elsif statement

if expression_1
  # some code that will only be executed if condition_1 is true.
elsif expression_2
  # some code that will only be executed if condition_1 is false and
  # condition_2 is true.
  # some code that will only be executed if both conditions are false.

# expressions may or may not be encapsulated into parenthesis.

if (expression)
  # some code that will only be executed if condition is true.
  # some code that will only be executed if condition is false.

# unless statement - an modified if statement to use when the expression is
# expected to be false

unless expression
  # some code to be executed if the expression is FALSE
  # some code to be executed if the expression is true

# case/when structure

when a < 1
  # code that will be executed if 'a' value is smaller than 1.
when a == 1
  # code that will be executed if 'a' value matches 1.
when a > 1
  # code that will be executed if 'a' value is greater than 1.

# breaking conditional expressions

if condition_or_expression; some_code; end

if condition_or_expression then some_code; end

if condition_or_expression; some_code; else; more_code; end

# addressing variable values conditionaly

# using if statements: =  if (child.gender == 'female')
                'Jane Doe'
                'John Doe'

# or =  if (child.gender == 'female'); 'Jane Doe'; else; 'John Doe' end

# or even = child.gender == 'female' ? 'Jane Doe' : 'John Doe'

# using case statement:

variable_status = case
      when a < 1
        'the number is smaller than 1'
      when a == 1
        'the number equals 1'
      when a > 1
        'the number is grater than 1'

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# For Statement - Executes code once for each element in expression
for i in 1..10
  puts i # Prints 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

# While Statement - Executes code while the condition is true
count = 0
while count < 5
  puts count # Prints 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
  count += 1

# Until Statement - Executes code while the condition is false
count = 5
until count == 0
  puts count # Prints 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
  count -= 1

# Loop - Loops until you manually press Ctrl+C or insert a break statement inside the block
count = 0
loop do
  puts count # Prints 0, 1, 2
  count += 1

  break if count == 3

# Each Iterator - Loops through each element inside the collection
(1..5).each do |i|
  puts i # Prints 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

# Break Statement - Leaves a block early
for i in 1..10
  if i == 5

  puts i # Prints 1, 2, 3, 4

# Redo Statement - Restarts the current iteration of the most internal loop, without checking loop condition
for i in 0..5
  puts i #  Prints 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, ... (infinite loop)
  redo if i > 2

# Next Statement -Jumps to the next iteration of the most internal loop
for i in 1..5
  if i == 3
  puts i # Prints 1, 2, 4, 5

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puts variable_name    # Displays the value stored in the variable and jumps to next line
variable_name = gets  # Takes any input from the user from standard input called STDIN
putc variable_name    # Displays just one character
print variable_name   # Displays the value stored in the variable (no line break)

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# Simple Method
def method_name 
# Method with parameters
def method_name (var1, var2)
# Method with parameters (with default values)
def method_name (var1 = value1, var2 = value2)

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# The block is passed a counter as a parameter.
# Calling the "each" method with a block looks like this:
(1..5).each do |counter|
  puts "iteration #{counter}"
# Output:
#=> iteration 1
#=> iteration 2
#=> iteration 3
#=> iteration 4
#=> iteration 5

# You can also surround blocks in curly brackets:
(1..5).each { |counter| puts "iteration #{counter}"}

# Here’s a basic example of a multi-line block
[1, 2, 3].each do |n|
  # Prints out a number
  puts "Number #{n}"

# Here’s a basic example of a inline block
[1, 2, 3].each { |n| puts "Number #{n}" }

# Ruby program to demonstrate how block returns the values 
# here two methods called 'select' and 'even?' 
# even? method is called inside the block 
puts [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].select { |num| num.even? } 
# Output:
#=> iteration 12
#=> iteration 14

# here india_states is an array and  
# it is the argument which is to  
# be passed to block  
    california_cities = ["San Diego", "Pasadena", 
                        "Venice Beach", "Rancho Cucamonga", 
                        "Ontario" ]  
# passing argument to block 
california_cities.each do |california_cities| 
 puts california_cities 
# Output:
#=> San Diego
#=> Pasadena
#=> Venice Beach
#=> Rancho Cucamonga
#=> Ontario

# Ruby program to demonstrate the 'yield' statement 
# Parameters can be passed to the yield statment.
# method 
def method_name 
  # statement of the method to be executed 
  puts "Inside Method!"
    # using yield statement 
  # statement of the method to be executed  
  puts "Again Inside Method!"
  # using yield statement 
# block 
method_name{puts "Inside Block!"} 
# Output:
#=> Inside Method!
#=> Inside Block!
#=> Again Inside Method!
#=> Inside Block!

# Ruby program to demonstrate the use of  
# same variable outside and inside a block 
# variable 'x' outside the block  
x = "Outside the block"
# here x is inside the block 
4.times do |x|     
  puts "Value Inside the block: #{x}"    
puts "Value Outside the block: #{x}"
# Outputs:
#=> Value Inside the block: 0
#=> Value Inside the block: 1
#=> Value Inside the block: 2
#=> Value Inside the block: 3
#=> Value Outside the block: Outside the block

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Ruby through code samples







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