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SeisComP playback in a docker

Miniseed data playback in SeisComP requires configuring a dedicated seedlink server appropriately for msrtsimul and the related metadata. Using SeisComP playback in a docker (scpbd), all of this is done automatically via SeisComP tools leaving your system config untouched. The only dependencies are docker and ssh (OSX).

This is based on developed by @yannikbehr.

  1. First, make sure that you complete docker login
  2. Start the docker (only once or when updating docker image, old docker version: replace host-gateway by $(ip addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+'))
    docker stop scpbd && docker rm scpbd # That is in case you update an existing one 
    docker run -d \
            --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway  \
            -p 18000:18000 \
            -p 222:22 \
            --name scpbd \
  3. Allow container scpbd to copy from your computer (once per image run)
    docker exec -u 0  -it scpbd ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' 
    docker exec -u 0  -it scpbd ssh-copy-id $USER@host.docker.internal 
  4. Define a shortcut function (once per host session)
    scpbd () { docker exec -u 0  -it scpbd main $@ ; } 
  5. Enable (and configure) the required SeisComP automatic processing modules, e.g.:
    docker exec -u sysop  -it scpbd /opt/seiscomp/bin/seiscomp enable scautopick scamp  scautoloc scevent sceewenv scvsmag
    # Check or edit the config
    ssh -p 222 sysop@localhost scconfig
  6. Reprocess your data (e.i., $(pwd)/data.mseed) using your metadata and its format (e.i., $(pwd)/inv.xml,sc3 for an sc3 format, include station level for best efficiency) within a real-time simulation respecting data timestamps (an optional sqlite3 database can be provided as 3rd argument). Note the IP at the beginning of stdout. The data from the ETHZ-SED EEW unit-test dataset can be found at
    scpbd $USER@host.docker.internal:$(pwd)/test/data.mseed $USER@host.docker.internal:$(pwd)/test/inv.xml,sc3 
    # Check the data during playback (in another terminal window or tab): 
    slinktool -Q localhost
  7. And see the results
    ssh -p 222 sysop@localhost /opt/seiscomp/bin/seiscomp exec scolv -d sqlite3:///home/sysop/event_db.sqlite --offline 

Build locally and test

For developing purpose

# Build fresh image
docker build -f "Dockerfile" -t scpbd:latest "."

# Stop & remove container
docker stop scpbd && docker rm scpbd 

# Run fresh container
docker run -d \
        --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway  \
        -p 18000:18000 \
        -p 222:22 \
        --name scpbd \

# Allow container `scpbd` to copy from your computer (once per image run)
docker exec -u 0  -it scpbd ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' 
docker exec -u 0  -it scpbd ssh-copy-id $USER@host.docker.internal 

# Define an `scpbd` shortcut function (once per host session)
scpbd () { docker exec -u 0  -it scpbd main $@ ; } 

# Enable automatic processing modules in `scpbd` container (once per container run)
docker exec -u sysop  -it scpbd /opt/seiscomp/bin/seiscomp enable scautopick scamp  scautoloc scevent sceewenv scvsmag

# Run playback
scpbd $USER@host.docker.internal:$(pwd)/test/data.mseed $USER@host.docker.internal:$(pwd)/test/inv.xml,sc3 

# See results
ssh -p 222 sysop@localhost /opt/seiscomp/bin/seiscomp exec scolv -d sqlite3:///home/sysop/event_db.sqlite --offline