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  • 重写Kook客户端以适配新版本的Python与 by Polaris_Light

  • 使用OnlinePlayerAPi替代繁琐的OnlineCommandClient by Polaris_Light

  • 增加Array上报选项,以支持Lagrange by Polaris_Light

  • 转发所有信息,不再需要!!qq 和!!mc by meng877

  • 将CQ码转发成更容易理解的格式 by meng877

  • 将图片的CQCode转为CICode以提供对ChatImage的支持 by Polaris_Light

  • 增加指令!!info 基于MCSM api 获取服务器运行情况 by meng 877

  • 为KOOK增加指令!!info并将apikey转为配置文件 by Polaris_Light

  • QQChannel适配 by WhitePhosphor


Broadcast chat between Minecraft servers or even discord server

See here for chatbridge v1. NOT compatible with Chatbridge v1

flowchart LR
    subgraph Minecraft Host
    mcdr1("ChatBridge Client (MCDR plugin)")<--MCDR-->smp[Minecraft Surival Server]
    mcdr2("ChatBridge Client (MCDR plugin)")<--MCDR-->cmp[Minecraft Creative Server]
    mcdr3("ChatBridge Client (MCDR plugin)")<--MCDR-->smpc[Minecraft Mirror Server]
    online("ChatBridge Online Command Client")<--RCON-->bc[Bungeecord Server]
    server(["ChatBridge Server"])
    server<-->mcdr1 & mcdr2 & mcdr3 & online
    server<-->cli_client("CLI Client")<-.->user[/User/]
    server<-->cq_client("ChatBridge CQHttp Client")<-->cqhttp[CQ Http bot]-.-QQ
    server<-->khl_client("ChatBridge Khl Client")<-->khl["Kaiheila (Kook)"]
    server<-->discord_client("ChatBridge Discord Client")<-->Discord


ChatBridge is mainly for custom use of TIS server, especially the bot/command components:

  • CQHttp client
  • Discord client
  • Kaiheila client
  • Online command client

Therefore, for these bot and related clients:

  • Expect hardcoded constants in codes and lack of document/usage/support
  • PRs for features will not be accepted, issues complaining something don't work will probably be ignored. No after-sales support
  • If you want more features, fork this repository and implement them yourself

But the basic chatbridge components are within the support range, including:

  • CLI client
  • CLI server
  • MCDR plugin


ChatBridge 是一个为 TIS 服务器定制使用的工具,尤其是 bot/指令相关的组件:

  • CQHttp 客户端
  • Discord 客户端
  • Kaiheila 客户端
  • Online 指令客户端

因此,对于这些 bot 及相关的客户端:

  • 代码中将会包含若干硬编码常量,缺乏相关的文档/用法等支持
  • 功能方面的 PR 不会被接受,相关的 issue 大概率会被忽略,没有售后
  • 如果你想要更多的功能,建议你去 fork 这个仓库,然后自己实现

但基本的 ChatBridge 组件都是在支持范围内,这包括:

  • CLI 客户端
  • CLI 服务端
  • MCDR 插件


Enter python ChatBridge.pyz in command line to see possible helps

At launch, if the configure file is missing, chatbridge will automatically generate a default one and exit


Python 3.6+ required

Requirements stored in requirements.txt, use pip install -r requirements.txt to install


CLI Server

python ChatBridge.pyz server


    "aes_key": "ThisIstheSecret",  // the common encrypt key for all clients
    "hostname": "localhost",  // the hostname of the server. Set it to "" for general binding
    "port": 30001,  // the port of the server
    "clients": [  // a list of client
            "name": "MyClientName",  // client name
            "password": "MyClientPassword"  // client password

CLI Client

python ChatBridge.pyz client


    "aes_key": "ThisIstheSecret",  // the common encrypt key
    "name": "MyClientName",  // the name of the client
    "password": "MyClientPassword",  // the password of the client
    "server_hostname": "",  // the hostname of the server
    "server_port": 30001  // the port of the server

MCDReforged plugin client

Required MCDR >=2.2

Just put the .pyz file into the plugin folder

Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)

    "enable": true,  // for switching the functionality of the chatbridge plugin
    "debug": false,  // for switching debug logging on

Discord bot client

python ChatBridge.pyz discord_bot

Extra requirements (also listed in /chatbridge/impl/discord/requirements.txt):>=2.0.0

Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)

    "bot_token": "",  // the token of your discord bot
    "channels_for_command": [  // a list of channels, public commands can be used here
    "channel_for_chat": 123400000000000000,  // the channel for chatting and private commands
    "command_prefix": "!!",
    "client_to_query_stats": "MyClient1",  // it should be a client as an MCDR plugin, with stats_helper plugin installed in the MCDR
    "client_to_query_online": "MyClient2"  // a client described in the following section "Client to respond online command"


!!stats will send command to MyClient1 to query the StatsHelper plugin in the specific client for data

!!online will send command to MyClient2 to use rcon to get glist command reply in bungeecord server

Client as a CoolqHttp client

python ChatBridge.pyz cqhttp_bot

Extra requirements (also listed in /chatbridge/impl/cqhttp/requirements.txt):


Needs any CoolQ Http protocol provider to work. e.g. go-cqhttp

Due to lack of channel division in QQ group (not like discord), to prevent message spam player needs to use special command to let the bot recognize the message:

  • In MC (othe client) use !!qq <message> to send message to QQ
  • In QQ use !!mc <message> to send message

Type !!help in QQ for more help

Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)

http_address, http_port and access_token are the same as the value in the config file of coolq-http-api

    "ws_address": "",
    "ws_port": 6700,
    "access_token": "",
    "array": false, // Whether use array-like message, usually false
    "react_group_id": 12345,  // the target QQ group id
    "client_to_query_stats": "MyClient1",  // it should be a client as an MCDR plugin, with stats_helper plugin installed in the MCDR
    "client_to_query_online": "MyClient2",  // a client described in the following section "Client to respond online command"
    "server_display_name": "TIS",  // The name of the server, used for display in some places
    "mcsm_apikey": "",  // The apikey of mcsm superuser
    "image_view": false  // Change image CQCode into CICode to support ChatImage

Kaiheila bot client

python ChatBridge.pyz kaiheila_bot

Extra requirements (also listed in /chatbridge/impl/kaiheila/requirements.txt):>=0.3.16

Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)

    "client_id": "",  // kaiheila client id
    "client_secret": "",  // kaiheila client secret
    "token": "",  // kaiheila token
    "channels_for_command": [  // a list of channels, public commands can be used here. use string
    "channel_for_chat": "123400000000000000",  // the channel for chatting and private commands. use string
    "command_prefix": "!!",
    "client_to_query_stats": "MyClient1",  // it should be a client as an MCDR plugin, with stats_helper plugin installed in the MCDR
    "client_to_query_online": "MyClient2",  // a client described in the following section "Client to respond online command"
    "server_display_name": "TIS"  // The name of the server, used for display in some places
    "mcsm_apikey": "" // The apikey of mcsm superuser

QQ Channel client

python ChatBridge.pyz qchannel_bot


Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)

    "appid": "1" 
	"token": "11" // A token.
	"guild_id": "1" // Guild ID.
	"channel_id": "1" // Channel ID.

Client to respond online command(Unuse Now)

python ChatBridge.pyz online_command

Extra requirements (also listed in /chatbridge/impl/online/requirements.txt):


Extra configure fields (compared to CLI client)

    "minecraft_list": [
            "name": "survival",  // the name of the minecraft server (recommend value: the same as its name in bungeecord)
            "address": "",  // the address of the server rcon
            "port": "25575",  // the port of the server rcon
            "password": "Server Rcon Password"  // the password of the server rcon
    "bungeecord_list": [
            "name": "BungeecordA",  // the name of the bungeecord server (unused value)
            "address": "",  // the address of the bungeecord rcon
            "port": "39999",  // the port of the bungeecord rcon
            "password": "Bungee Rcon Password"  // the password of the bungeecord rcon
    // The display order of the servers, optional
    // Servers not in the list will be thrown to the tail of the result and sorted in alphabetical order
    "display_order": [  
        "survival",  // Values are server names

CLI commands

  • online, !!online: Display the current online players, mostly for testing
  • stop: Stop the client