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Extend GeoKey projects by adding web resources: GeoJSON and KML.


geokey-webresources requires:

  • Python version 2.7
  • GeoKey version 1.6 or greater

Install the geokey-webresources from PyPI:

pip install geokey-webresources

Or from cloned repository:

cd geokey-webresources
pip install -e .

Add the package to installed apps:


Migrate the models into the database:

python migrate geokey_webresources

You're now ready to go!


Update the geokey-webresources from PyPI:

pip install -U geokey-webresources

Migrate the new models into the database:

python migrate geokey_webresources


Run tests:

python test geokey_webresources

Check code coverage:

pip install coverage
coverage run --source=geokey_webresources test geokey_webresources
coverage report -m --omit=*/tests/*,*/migrations/*

Public API

Get all web resources of a project

GET /api/projects/:project_id/webresources/

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Description
project_id Integer A unique identifier for the project.


The response contains an array of web resources. If the array is empty, then the project has no active web resources.

        "id": 46,
        "status": "active",
        "name": "Public Houses",
        "description": "All public houses in London.",
        "created": "2014-09-19T15:51:32.790Z",
        "modified": "2014-09-21T15:51:32.804Z",
        "dataformat": "KML",
        "url": "",
        "colour": "#000000",
        "symbol": null

Response status codes:

Code Reason
200 The list of web resources has been returned successfully.
404 The project was not found (or user has no access to it).

Get a single web resource of a project

GET /api/projects/:project_id/webresources/:webresource_id/

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Description
project_id Integer A unique identifier for the project.
webresource_id Integer A unique identifier for the web resource.


    "id": 46,
    "status": "active",
    "name": "Train Stations",
    "description": "Train stations in Germany.",
    "created": "2015-09-15T09:40:01.747Z",
    "modified": "2016-01-10T07:12:01.827Z",
    "dataformat": "GeoJSON",
    "url": "",
    "colour": "#ffc0cb",
    "symbol": '/media/webresources/symbols/train_stations.png'

Response status codes:

Code Reason
200 The web resource has been returned successfully.
404 The project or web resource was not found.