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The easiest way to reactively manage query params in Svelte and SvelteKit applications, both on the server and in the browser.


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Svelte Query Params

The easiest way to reactively manage query params in Svelte and SvelteKit applications, both on the server and in the browser. Built on Svelte 5 runes and integrates with existing validation libraries to parse, coerce and transform query params into the data your application needs.


Since Svelte Query Params uses runes, svelte^5 is required:

npm install svelte-query-params svelte@next
pnpm install svelte-query-params svelte@next
yarn add svelte-query-params svelte@next
bun install svelte-query-params svelte@next

By default, svelte-query-params uses URLSearchParams to handle interpreting the location string, which means it does not decode null and has limited handling of other more advanced URL parameter configurations. If you want access to those features, add a third-party library like query-string and tell svelte-query-params to use it.


  • Reactivity: The library leverages Svelte's new runes reactivity system, providing a reactive object that reflects the current state of query parameters.

  • Browser and Server Support: The utility is designed to work seamlessly in both browser and server environments.

  • Customizable Validators: Define validators for each query parameter to ensure proper data types and constraints.

  • Debounced Updates: Optionally debounce updates to query parameters to optimize performance.

  • Event Handling: Automatically handles popstate events for accurate synchronisation with browser history.


In some lib file e.g., src/lib/params.ts:

import { createUseQueryParams } from "svelte-query-params";

// Define validators for query parameters
const validators = {
  page: (value) => typeof value === "number" && value > 0,
  q: (value) => typeof value === "string",

// Create the hook
export const useQueryParams = createUseQueryParams(validators);

createUseQueryParams returns a hook, rather than the reactive object itself, as the reactive nature may be lost when exporting and importing these files.

Then you can use this hook in your Svelte components:

  import { useQueryParams } from "$lib/params"; // Import assuming SvelteKit

  const [params, helpers] = useQueryParams();

  // Access query parameters
  console.log(; // Current 'page' value
  console.log(params.q); // Current 'q' value

  // Set query parameters = 1;
  params.q = "example";

  // Raw query params from the browser, all as strings

  // All query params, including those that were not set in schema

  // Readonly search string, with the ? prefix;

  // Update all query parameters in bulk
  helpers.update({ page: 2, q: 'shoes' });

  // Apply partial updates to query params
  helpers.update({ page: 3 });

  // Remove query parameters

  // Unsubscribe from popstate events

  // Access query keys

  // Access entries:

  Currently on page {}, searching for {params.q}

<!-- Bind the 'q' query param to the input -->
<input name="search" bind:value={params.q}>


svelte-query-params supports zod, valibot and function validators to define the schema for query params. Therefore, you do not need to learn an extra API for validating data.

When using zod or valibot, you do not need to wrap your schema in zod z.object({ ... }) or valibot object:

import { z } from "zod";
import { createUseQueryParams } from "svelte-query-params";

const useQueryParams = createUseQueryParams({
  page: z.number(),
  q: z.string()

But you can if you want.

Note that it is possible to mix and match the schemas if needed:

import { z } from "zod";
import { string } from "valibot";
import { createUseQueryParams } from "svelte-query-params";

const useQueryParams = createUseQueryParams({
  page: (value) => typeof value === "number" && value > 0,
  sort: string(),
  q: z.string()


createUseQueryParams takes an options object as the second argument, with the following properties:

  • windowObj: (Optional) Provide a custom implementation of window. It must implement:

  • debounce: (Optional) The delay in milliseconds before updating the browser URL when the reactive object is updated. This is useful in situations where URL updates happen frequently, e.g., on every keystroke. Note that this only affects the browser URL - the reactive object will always update immediately.

  • serialise: (Optional) Control how query params are serialised to the browser. Note that this is NOT for encoding values into URI components - it serialises objects into strings, which will then be encoded internally.

  • adapter: (Optional) Provide a custom adapter which controls fetching/updating the browser query params on both the server and in the browser.

Option Default Description
windowObj window (Optional) Provide a custom implementation of window. It must implement: Window.prototype.location, Window.prototype.history, EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener and EventTarget.prototype.removeEventListener

| debounce | 0 | (Optional) The delay in milliseconds before updating the browser URL when the reactive object is updated. This is useful in situations where URL updates happen frequently, e.g., on every keystroke. Note that this only affects the browser URL - the reactive object will always update immediately. | | serialise | JSON.stringify | (Optional) Control how query params are serialized to the browser. Note that this is NOT for encoding values into URI components - it serializes objects into strings, which will then be encoded internally. | | adapter | dom | (Optional) Provide a custom adapter that controls fetching/updating the browser query params on both the server and in the browser. |

import { createUseQueryParams } from "svelte-query-params";

const useQueryParams = createUseQueryParams({ ... }, { 
  ... // Options here


As mentioned previously, adapters control how the URL is fetched and updated, both on the server and in the browser. As such, any adapter needs to implement the following interface:

  • isBrowser: () => boolean - Returns true when are in the browser, and false otherwise.

  • getServerUrl() => { hash: string, search: string } - Get the server-side hash and search strings.

  • updateServerUrl(search: string, hash: string) => void - Update the server-side URL. Note that the search string has the ? prefixed and the hash string has the #hash prefixed.

  • getBrowserUrl(search: string, hash: string) => { hash: string, search: string } - Get the browser hash and search strings.

  • updateBrowserUrl() => void - Update the browser URL. Note that the search string has the ? prefixed and the hash string has the #hash prefixed.

To create your own adapter, you can import the Adapter type from svelte-query-params/adapter for intellisense, or use defineAdapter also exported by svelte-query-params/adapter:

import type { Adapter } from 'svelte-query-params/adapter';
import { defineAdapter } from 'svelte-query-params/adapter';

export const myAdapter: Adapter = { ... }
export const myAdapter = defineAdapter({ ... });


This is the default adapter when no adapter is specified and can only be used in the browser i.e., fetching the URL on the browser returns an empty search string and hash and updating the query params on the server is a no-op.

import { createUseQueryParams } from "svelte-query-params";
import { dom } from "svelte-query-params/adapters/dom";

const useQueryParams = createUseQueryParams({ ... }, { 
  adapter: dom({ ... })  

DOM Adapter Options


For use with SvelteKit, use this adapter, instead of the dom adapter for support for interacting with query params on the server.

Currently, this uses the page store and will be rewritten once the SvelteKit team announce their alternative for Svelte 5.

import { createUseQueryParams } from "svelte-query-params";
import { sveltekit } from "svelte-query-params/adapters/sveltekit";

const useQueryParams = createUseQueryParams({ ... }, { 
  adapter: sveltekit({ ... })  

SvelteKit Adapter Options

  • replace: (Optional) If this is true, any browser query updates will not create a new browser session history item, replacing the previous one instead. If false, a new item will always be added to the history.


See Contributing Guide.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


The easiest way to reactively manage query params in Svelte and SvelteKit applications, both on the server and in the browser.




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