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Ionic - KarmaJob

Installation Guide

Note : Ionic targets iOS and android devices. However, as there's many version, yours mays not works as well. Please refer to the Offical Github for more informations.


Important: All the requirements listed bellow need to be installed only once. You don't need to install it if you have already done some android or ios development.

For Android :

Please refer to the Cordova documentation in case of trouble.

For iOS :

Then run xcode-select --install

  • The deploy tools with the command npm install -g ios-deploy

Ionic installation

Clone the project git clone
And go inside it with cd KarmaJob.

To install ionic, simply run sudo npm install -g ionic cordova.

Then install the depedencies with npm install.

To enable the platform, use the following commands

ionic cordova platform add ios or/and ionic cordova platform add android

And to run it on your device as a native app, use

ionic cordova run ios and/or ionic cordova run android

You can also use for testing

ionic cordova build ios and/or ionic cordova build android
ionic cordova emulate ios and/or ionic cordova emulate android

if you don't want the debug mode, use the parameter --release as ionic cordova build --release android

You can also have access to the app in your browser direcly by using

ionic serve

If you have any trouble at this point, please refer to the official documentation

Build an APK

Ionic generate an auto-signed APK when we build or run the app. You can find this .apk in /platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android.apk.
If you plan to build a realease.apk and sign it 'manually', please refer to the documentation


Please refer to the validation documentation.