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Equilibria ‘Galileo Galilei ReActivated’ v17

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@AdminXeq AdminXeq released this 16 Mar 09:50
· 55 commits to master since this release

From Hard-Fork v17 which will occur at block height 1056414 on or around 29.03.2023 06:23 GMT+0 Service Node operator will be able to stake full amount of 100k XEQ (minimum 10k XEQ remains as it is now).
Service Node contributors rewards are recalibrated and counted from 100k XEQ.

sha256 sums:
674dd9567af0f4d76baa5ef40e8164571589672728819ba4ddec5c1dec769c48 build-depends-x86_64-linux.tar.gz
f67dd7f1c89ebb4c414930d63cc661f62f3d97dcba97c5c4a6913564ef011513 build-depends-armv7.tar.gz
bde3ca8afdd4a46af2f4e9bdbe4b1884f95968fba2e5dffd32e4da0b0e69c995 build-depends-armv8.tar.gz
9b1132ad30da402a9c24e750bef11a2c2fe25e565ddb4c07d40c181995cb9038 build-depends-armv8-RPi.tar.gz