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Suricata/Snort formatter extension for VS Code


Meerkat provides the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting

Signature checking with suricata

Signature checking example

Signature formatting

Signature formatting example The Auto-formatting uses the default hotkeys in your code editor

Hover information

Hover information example

Variable references/renaiming

Variable renaiming example The rename feature uses the default hotkeys in your code editor

Code completion

Code completion example

Code snipplets

Code completion example

PCAP Testing

Code completion example

Warning: pcap visualization only works if additional third party extenssions are installed. Please install one of the available extenssions to be able to open pcap files in VS Code.

  • Rule linting (TOOD)
  • Rule performance statistics (TODO)


Meerkat consists of three parts:

  • Parser: powered by chumsky, the signature parser promises high-speed and high-reliability signature parser.
  • Server logic: once a rule is parsed, it is analyzed to provide useful debugging and linting information to the user.
  • Language server: the tower framework is used to create a language server, which can be used by any text editor, which supports the LSP.

How to install it


Install cargo, if you have not done already:

npm run install-rust

You will be propted to accept the default configuration

Install all dependencies for the project:

npm install

Package the extenssion:

npx vsce package

The script will also install the meerkat language server for you

At the end you should have a file named meerkat.vsix, which can be opened by VSCode


Make sure you have rust installed!

Install all dependencies for the project:

npm install

Package the extenssion:

npx vsce package

The script will also install the meerkat language server for you

At the end you should have a file named meerkat.vsix, which can be opened by VSCode


Following the installation steps and opening the .vsix file with VSCode should be enough to update the extenssion.

Suricata signatures


The suricata documentation was used for a deeper understanding of the sturcture and function of suricata rules


The following grammar was used to implement a praser for the rules:

<Rule> ::= <action> " " <header> " " "(" <options> ")"
<action> ::= "alert" | "pass" | "drop" | "reject" | "rejectsrc" | "rejectdst" | "rejectboth"
<header> ::= <protocol> " " <IPAddress> " " <port> " " <direction> " " <IPAddress> " " <port>

<protocol> ::= [a-z]+

/* Handling IP Addresses */
<IPAddress> ::= <IPRange> | <NegatedIP> | <IPGroup> | <variable> | "any"

<IPGroup> ::= "[" <IPAddress> ("," <IPAddress>)* "]"
/* any number containing 1 to 3 digits */
<IPQuart> ::= ([0-9] [0-9]? [0-9]?)
/* any 4 numbers separated by dots*/
<IP> ::= <IPQuart> "." <IPQuart> "." <IPQuart> "." <IPQuart>
/* CIDR */
<IPRange> ::= <IP> "\\" ([0-9] [0-9]?) 
<NegatedIP> ::= "!" (<IP> | <IPRange> | <IPGroup> | <variable>)
<variable> ::= "$" ([a-z] [A-Z] "-" "_")+

/* Handling ports */
<port> ::= <portNumber> | <portGroup> | "any"

<portNumber> ::= ([0-9] [0-9]? [0-9]? [0-9]? [0-9]?)
<portRange> ::= <portNumber> ":" <portNumber>?
<negatedPort> ::= "!" (<portNumber> | <portRange> | <portGroup>)
<portGroup> ::= "[" <port> ("," <port>)* "]"

/* Directions */
<direction> ::= "->" | "<>" | "<-"

<options> ::= <option>+
<option> ::= <keyword> ":" <settings> ";" | <keyword> ";"
<keyword> ::= ([a-z] [A-Z] "_" "-")+
<settings> ::= ([a-z] [A-Z] "_" "-")+ | (<settings> ("," <settings>)+)

I want to contribute

You can easily contribute by reporting issues to the Git page of the project

If you want to contribute by writing code, the rust docs for the project is a perfect location to start at, just run:

cargo doc --open

Installation troubleshooting

Unexpected token '?'

If you get the following error:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '?'
    at wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:915:16)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:963:27)

The issue is most probably the version of the Node that you're using.

Linker 'cc' not found

If you get the following error:

error: linker `cc` not found
  = note: No such file or directory (os error 2)

error: could not compile `quote` due to previous error

Try the following solution:

sudo apt install build-essential

Vulnerabilities, while installing with npm

The issue is most probably related to the version of npm used. Try updating npm:

npm update

This command should tell you if you have an older version of npm and give you the line you need to run to update it