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OGC Web Map Service (WMS) Load Test


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Load Tests for WMS servers using the Locust load testing framework packaged in a docker container. Requests GetCapabilities document and sends GetMap and GetLegendGraphic requests. Picks random layers, bounding boxes, time dimensions (if available) and styles in GetMap and GetLegendGraphic requests from the GetCapabilities document provided by the WMS service.

Supported WMS versions:

  • 1.1.1
  • 1.3.0

Run pre-built images with Docker

The pre-built image eduardrosert/locust-wms-test is available on Dockerhub. If you already have Docker running on your machine, just do the following to run the image.

docker run --rm -i -t -p 8089:8089 eduardrosert/locust-wms-test

Now you can access the Locust interface at http://localhost:8089 and start the tests.

Test OGC WMS Endpoint

To load test your WMS server run:

docker run --rm -i -t -p 8089:8089 \

Then visit the locust interface at http://localhost:8089 and enter you wms endpoint URL as host.

Examples for WMS endpoint URLs:

Run with custom access token

If your WMS server requires a simple authentication using some access token in the request, e.g. myauthkey=mysecretaccesstoken, you can provide that token using the environment variable WMS_ACCESS_KEY as follows:

docker run --rm -i -t -p 8089:8089 \
       --env WMS_ACCESS_KEY=myauthkey=mysecretaccesstoken \

Adjust request weights

If you want to adjust the relative weights of the GetCapabilities,GetMap and GetLegendGraphic requests, you can do so by configuring the corresponding environment variables:

docker run --rm -i -t -p 8089:8089 \
       --env WEIGHT_GET_MAP=10 \

The above setting means that for every GetCapabilities request there will be 2 GetLegendGraphic requests and 10 GetMap requests. You can disable a certain request by setting it's weight to 0. However you should not disable the GetCapabilities request, since without it the other requests cannot be generated.

Enable verbose logging

To enable verbose logging, e.g. log the requested URLs, set the environment variable LOG_VERBOSE=1 (disabled by default):

docker run --rm -i -t -p 8089:8089 \
       --env LOG_VERBOSE=1 \

Run pre-build images with Kubernetes

Creates a deployment and a service named of type NodePort named locust-wms:

kubectl apply -f k8s-locust-wms-test.yaml


kubectl get service

to see how to access the service through the ip and port (usually 30000 - 32767) of the kubernetes worker node, e.g.

NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
locust-wms        NodePort   <none>        8089:32038/TCP   2m26s

Run with custom access token

If your WMS server requires a simple authentication using some access token in the request, e.g. myauthkey=mysecretaccesstoken, you can provide that token using the environment variable WMS_ACCESS_KEYin the deployment configuration. Edit file k8s-locust-wms-test.yaml and add the environment variable WMS_ACCESS_KEY with the key-value pair of your access token, e.g. myauthkey=mysecretaccesstoken:

  value: "myauthkey=mysecretaccesstoken"

After editing, reapply the configuration using kubectl apply -f k8s-locust-wms-test.yaml.