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Added direct sage call
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Gustavo2622 committed May 8, 2024
1 parent ca97848 commit 63d5eb2
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 7 deletions.
136 changes: 129 additions & 7 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,15 +7,35 @@ open EcCoreModules
open EcSymbols
open EcIdent

let sage_file = "PATH_TO_STORE_SAGE_FILE"
let sage_path = "PATH_TO_SAGE_BINARY"

let f_int_mod (f: form) (q: form) =
f_proj (f_int_edivz f q) 1 tint

let f_int_eq (f: form) (q: form) =
f_app (fop_eq tint) [f;q] tbool

let print_form (env: env) (f: form) : unit =
let print_form (env: env) (f: form) : symbol =
let fmt = EcPrinting.pp_form (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env) in
Format.asprintf "%a@." fmt f

let print_poly ?(pname: symbol option) (env: env) (f:form) : symbol =
let fmt = EcPrinting.pp_form (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env) in
Format.eprintf "%a@." fmt f
let p = Format.asprintf "%a@." fmt f in
let p = Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") p in
let p = String.concat " " p in
let p = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "= \(.*\)") "-(\1)" p in
match pname with
| Some pname -> Format.asprintf "%s = %s" pname p
| None -> Format.asprintf "%s" p

let print_ring (env: env) (ids: t list) : symbol =
let fmt = EcPrinting.pp_local (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env) in
let r = Format.asprintf "BR.<" in
let r = ( (Format.asprintf "%a, \\\n" fmt) ( ids)) |> List.fold_left (^) r in
r ^ (Format.asprintf "%a> = PolynomialRing(IntegerRing())@." fmt (List.hd ids))

let print_expr (env: env) (e: expr) : unit =
let fmt = EcPrinting.pp_expr (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +111,103 @@ type env = { env_ec : EcEnv.env; env_ssa : EcIdent.t MMsym.t }
let update_env name id env =
{env with env_ssa = MMsym.add name id env.env_ssa}

let ideal_contains (env: env) (vs: t list) (ideal: form list) (target: form) : bool =
let reduce (f : 'a -> 'a -> 'a) (ls: 'a list) : 'a =
assert (List.length ls > 0);
List.fold_left f (List.hd ls) ( ls)

(* f is either:
exists (\vs) => poly
-> remove quantif, extract vs into the ideal and preprocess poly (substitute ocurrences with 0)
( preprocessing can be removed)
anything else
-> identity*)
let process_exists (f: form) : t list * symbol list * form =
let rec remove_vars (vs: t list) (f: form) : t list * symbol list * form =
match f.f_node with
| Flocal l when List.mem l vs -> [], [], f_int @@ BI.of_int 0
| Fapp ({f_node = Fop (p, _); _} as op, args)
when (EcPath.toqsymbol p) = (["Top"; "CoreInt"], "mul") ->
begin match args with
| [{f_node = Flocal v; _}; k] when List.mem v vs ->
begin match k.f_node with
| Fint i -> [], [BI.to_string i], f_int @@ BI.of_int 0
| Flocal k_id -> [k_id], [name k_id], f_int @@ BI.of_int 0
| _ -> [], [], f
| [k; {f_node = Flocal v; _}] when List.mem v vs ->
begin match k.f_node with
| Fint i -> [], [BI.to_string i], f_int @@ BI.of_int 0
| Flocal k_id -> [k_id], [name k_id], f_int @@ BI.of_int 0
| _ -> [], [], f
(* Code for first two patterns above should be the same *)
| _ -> let (ids, ps), args = List.fold_left_map
(fun (ids, ps) arg -> let nids, nps, res = remove_vars vs arg in
(ids @ nids, ps @ nps), res) ([],[]) args in
ids, ps, f_app op args f.f_ty
| Fapp (op, args) -> let (ids, ps), args =
(fun (ids, ps) arg ->
let nids, nps, res = remove_vars vs arg in
(ids @ nids, ps @ nps), res)
([],[]) args in
ids, ps, f_app op args f.f_ty
| _ -> [], [], f
match f.f_node with
| Fquant (Lexists, binds, f) ->
let vars = fst binds in
remove_vars vars f
| _ -> ([], [], f)
let evs, eps, target = process_exists target in
let () = Format.eprintf "Exists bindings: " in
let () = List.iter (print_id env.env_ec) evs in
let vs = vs @ evs |> List.sort_uniq (fun a b -> (tag a) (tag b)) in

let ring_def = print_ring env.env_ec vs in
let target_poly_name = "target" in
let target_poly = print_poly ~pname:target_poly_name env.env_ec target in
let ideal_def = "pideal = ideal(" ^
(( (fun p -> Format.asprintf "%s" (print_poly env.env_ec p)) ideal)
|> ((@) eps)
|> reduce (fun acc n -> acc ^ ", \\\n" ^ n)) ^ ")"
let grobb_def = Format.asprintf "gb = pideal.groebner_basis()@." in
let ideal_mem_test = Format.asprintf "print(%s.reduce(gb))@." target_poly_name in

let sage_oc = open_out sage_file in
Printf.fprintf sage_oc "%s\n" ring_def;
Printf.fprintf sage_oc "%s\n" ideal_def;
Printf.fprintf sage_oc "%s\n" target_poly;
Printf.fprintf sage_oc "%s\n" grobb_def;
Printf.fprintf sage_oc "%s\n" ideal_mem_test;
flush sage_oc;
close_out sage_oc;

(* TODO: Add call to sage and get output *)
let sage_ic = Unix.open_process_in (sage_path ^ " " ^ sage_file) in
let res = In_channel.input_char sage_ic in
match res with
| None -> Format.eprintf "Failed to get output from sage@."; In_channel.close sage_ic; assert false
| Some '0' -> Format.eprintf "Polynomial is in the ideal@,"; In_channel.close sage_ic; true
| Some c -> let rest = In_channel.input_all sage_ic in
In_channel.close sage_ic;
"Polynomial is not in the ideal or something else happened:@.Sage output: %s@." ((String.make 1 c) ^ rest);

(* TACTIC *)

let mk_temp_form (env: env) (ty: ty) : env * form =
let temp = create_tagged tempname in
let env = update_env (name temp) temp env in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,7 +420,6 @@ let rec trans_expr (env: env) (lv :form list) (e: expr) : env * form list =
let fr = f_eq temp fr in
let env, fs2, (hb, _lb) = split_int_form env temp (int_form 26) in
let f_res = f_eq hb lv in
let () = print_form env.env_ec fs2 in
env, [is_bit_form s; fs1; fr; fs2; f_res]

| ["Top"; "JWord"; s], "of_int" ->
Expand All @@ -317,11 +433,12 @@ let rec trans_expr (env: env) (lv :form list) (e: expr) : env * form list =
let a = of_seq1 args in
match a.f_node with
| Fint i -> assert (BI.(i < (lshift one s)));
| Fint i -> assert (BI.(i < (lshift one s)));
env, [f_eq lv a]
| _ ->
let env, f_a, (_tmp, res) = split_int_form env a (int_form s) in
env, [f_a; f_eq lv res]
| _ -> (* FIXME: restore actualy translation later *)
env, [f_eq lv a]
(* let env, f_a, (_tmp, res) = split_int_form env a (int_form s) in *)
(* env, [f_a; f_eq lv res] *)

| ["Top"; "JWord"; "W2u16"], "sigextu32" ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -480,4 +597,9 @@ let trans_hoare env (pre: form) (body: instr list) (ret: expr) (post: form) : fo
MMsym.fold (fun _ l acc -> l @ acc) env.env_ssa []
|> List.sort_uniq (fun a b -> (tag a) (tag b)) |> (fun x -> x, GTty tint)

let _ = ideal_contains env ( fst ids) ((List.flatten body) @ ret) post in

f_forall ids f

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