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An abp module that dynamically generates management UI for entities in runtime.


  1. Follow the document to install the dependent Abp.DynamicMenu module.

  2. Install the following NuGet packages. (see how)

    • EasyAbp.Abp.EntityUi.Application
    • EasyAbp.Abp.EntityUi.Application.Contracts
    • EasyAbp.Abp.EntityUi.Domain
    • EasyAbp.Abp.EntityUi.Domain.Shared
    • EasyAbp.Abp.EntityUi.EntityFrameworkCore
    • EasyAbp.Abp.EntityUi.HttpApi
    • EasyAbp.Abp.EntityUi.HttpApi.Client
    • EasyAbp.Abp.EntityUi.Web
  3. Add DependsOn(typeof(AbpEntityUiXxxModule)) attribute to configure the module dependencies. (see how)

  4. Add builder.ConfigureAbpEntityUi(); to the OnModelCreating() method in MyProjectMigrationsDbContext.cs.

  5. Add EF Core migrations and update your database. See: ABP document.


  1. Configure for the modules (or an app itself) you want to use EntityUi.

    public class MyProjectDomainModule : AbpModule
        public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
            // ...
            Configure<AbpEntityUiOptions>(options =>
                options.Modules.Add("MyProject", new AbpEntityUiModuleOptions(typeof(MyProjectDomainModule)));
            // ...
  2. Run the DbMigrator project, the EntityUi seed contributor will discovery the entities and seed the metadata.

  3. Run the app and log in as the admin user, you can see the "Entity UI" menu item, try to open it and change some entity configuration.


  4. Use the management pages for the entities you just configured:

    BookList EditBook


How to package the EntityUi configurations for a module

  1. Export the configurations with the http API: /api/abp/entity-ui/integration/module/{moduleName} (GET).

  2. Create a JSON file like EntityUiSeed.json in your module project to save the exported data (see the demo) and set it as an EmbeddedResource.

  3. Configure the EntityUi to use it:

    public class MyProjectDomainModule : AbpModule
        public override void PreConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
            Configure<AbpEntityUiOptions>(options =>
                    new AbpEntityUiModuleOptions(typeof(MyProjectDomainModule), "/EntityUiSeed.json")
            Configure<AbpVirtualFileSystemOptions>(options =>

Entity UI for dynamic entities?

See the Entity UI dynamic entity provider document.

Road map

  • Detail modal.
  • Support dynamic entities.
  • Support the MVC template.
  • Support the Blazor template.
  • Support the Angular template.