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10 May 19:52
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Changes needed to run on Derecho. Flip the test list from Cheyenne to Derecho.
Add working PE layouts. Remove tools and tools testing. Update readme files.

What's Changed

NEON release: Some NEON updates fixing AG sites, update MOSART, small fixes

21 Nov 16:58
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release tag for use with NEON:

Minor changes to python scripts and usermod_dirs for NEON cases. Also update the lightning mesh file so that it goes with the
smaller lightning file. Have NEON use new use-cases for 2018 and 2018-PD conditions for CLM. Have NEON
Agricultural sites run with prognostic crop. Simple fix for warning about NaN's in import/export data from/to coupler.

Get NEON tests working on izumi, add --inputdata-dir to subset_data and so they aren't tied
to only running on cheyenne.

Also update MOSART with fixed for direct_to_outlet option.

Add error checking in ParitionWoodFluxes. Fix value of albgrd_col in SurfaceAlbefdoType.F90.
Previously, the wrong value (albgri_col) was being set in InitHistory.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: ctsm5.1.dev113...ctsm5.1.dev114

Add SSP3-7.0 extension, and SMYLE 1850 and transient, compsets and use-cases

10 Feb 06:07
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Update externals for cism and cime to cesm2.1.4-rc-10. cime update was needed to run on izumi.
iAdds a compset for the smyle L83 model (both 1850 and transient). BWsc1850smyle (jedwards4b)
Add SSP3-7.0 extension compset and use-case, that runs for fixed 2100 conditions with 2100 landuse
and 2100 harvest and fertilizer.

Update Nitrogen-deposition datasets with files created from WACCM simulations for SSP scenarios (SSP3-7.0,
SSP5-3.4, and SSP5-8.5).

Fix several issues.


10 May 19:56
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Add LILAC Pre-release

Add LILAC: The Lightweight Infrastructure for Land-Atmosphere Coupling. This
infrastructure consists of two major pieces:

(1) A lightweight coupling infrastructure built on top of ESMF that makes it easier for
atmosphere models to call CTSM directly, rather than using the hub-and-spoke architecture
that is used by CESM.

(2) A set of python-based tools for building CTSM and creating its runtime inputs when
running in an atmosphere model via LILAC. Although these tools are built on top of cime,
details of the create_newcase / case.setup / process are hidden from the user,
because many of the aspects of this workflow don't make sense in the LILAC context.

So far we have used LILAC to couple CTSM to WRF. There are plans to use the same
infrastructure to couple CTSM to other regional atmosphere models.

Documentation of LILAC is provided in (though there are
still some missing sections), as well as in various presentations on the wiki

There have been many contributors to the development, testing and documentation of LILAC;
chief among them being Mariana Vertenstein, Negin Sobhani, Bill Sacks, Joe Hamman, Sam
Levis, Mike Barlage and Dave Lawrence.

Update documentation for release-clm5.0 branch, and fix issues with no-anthro surface dataset creation

01 May 05:59
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Fix the issues with the no-anthro surface dataset creation (the PtVg simulation year). This
makes sure GDP and urban is set to zero and abm to missing for this case. Also bring in the python3
fix that was intended for the last release tag.

Turn irrigation on for 2300 SSP extensions

07 Apr 20:33
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Irrigation was turned off for the 2300 extensions. This turns it on. Also add SSP2-4.5 to the
anomaly forcing script.

Extensions to 2300 for SSP5-8.5,SSP5-3.4, and SSP1-2.6

04 Apr 02:25
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Add 2100 surface datasets, landuse.timeseries files for 2100-2300 for SSP5-3.4, SSP5-8.5, and SSP1-2.6.
Also add compsets to run them and the build-namelist use-cases for them. Only for f09 resolution with crop on.

Updates cime as a cime update was needed to run the extensions in I compsets (for presaero and CO2).
Add a test for it. Add -ignore_warnings to cmip6_waccm_deck user-mod which is required for the
fully coupled compset for BWSSP534osext as the ndep file doesn't exist for it, but WACCM is
providing ndep. Get more of the build-namelist unit tester tests working, which previously weren't running.

Bring in raw datasets for 2100-2300 extension for SSP5-8.5/3.5 and SSP1-2.6, some other misc. changes

04 Apr 02:25
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New Raw datasets to 2300 for SSP1-2.6, SSP5-3.4 and SSP5-8.5.
Fix the pgi build on izumi. Bring in anomaly forcing script to create af forcing that can be used by datm
to run anomoly forcing to get SSP like forcing. Update manage_externals that fixes the python 3.8 bug.

Update cime and cism-wrapper.

Update FATES to sci.1.30.0_api.8.0.0

27 Jan 19:04
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Update FATES to sci.1.30.0_api.8.0.0, and point to the NGEET version, rather
than NCAR/fates-release version.

One change to soil-moisture (also check if gridcell weight is non-zero, before specifying prescribed soil moisture.
Also update mosart with cold start bug fix. Update rtm, cism, and cime to versions on cesm2.1.2 release tag.
Fix some issues with PTCLM.

Some answer changes needed for prescribed soil-moisture and clm4_5 defaults (1850-ndep, and urbantv settings)

27 Jan 19:04
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Some answer changes needed for prescribed soil-moisture. And clm4_5 defaults for 1850 Nitrogen deposition and or urbantv
settings were made to be consistent with clm5_0.