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backend: cuda
backend: cuda
Specific to CUDA execution (GPUs)
backend: dpc++
backend: dpc++
Specific to DPC++/SYCL execution (CPUs/GPUs)
backend: hip
backend: hip
Specific to ROCm execution (GPUs)
backend: openmp
backend: openmp
Specific to OpenMP execution (CPUs)
bug: affects latest release
bug: affects latest release
Bug also exists in latest release version
Something isn't working
changes input scripts / defaults
changes input scripts / defaults
Changes the syntax or meaning of input scripts and/or defaults
Clean code, improve readability
component: ABLASTR
component: ABLASTR
components shared with other PIC codes
component: accelerator lattice
component: accelerator lattice
Anything related to the accelerator lattice
component: boosted frame
component: boosted frame
boosted frame components & logic
component: boundary
component: boundary
PML, embedded boundaries, et al.
component: checkpoint/restart
component: checkpoint/restart
Checkpointing & restarts
component: collisions
component: collisions
Anything related to particle collisions
component: core
component: core
Core WarpX functionality
component: diagnostics
component: diagnostics
all types of outputs
component: documentation
component: documentation
Docs, readme and manual
component: electrostatic
component: electrostatic
electrostatic solver
component: FDTD
component: FDTD
FDTD solvers
component: fluid
component: fluid
fluid species
component: fluid-ohm
component: fluid-ohm
Related to the Ohm's law solver (with fluid electrons)
component: implicit solvers
component: implicit solvers
Anything related to implicit solvers
component: initialization
component: initialization
Changes related to the initialization of the simulation
component: interpolation
component: interpolation
Interpolation functions
component: ionization
component: ionization
ionization processes
component: load balancing
component: load balancing
Load balancing strategies, optimization etc.
component: magnetostatic
component: magnetostatic
magneticstatic solver
component: mesh refinement
component: mesh refinement
component: openPMD
component: openPMD
openPMD I/O
component: parallelization
component: parallelization
Guard cell exchanges and particle redistribution