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OAKSLAB Engineering League 2023 Q2: Comparison of Apollo Federation and Schema Stitching techniques

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GraphQL Federation vs Schema Stitching



npm i

from the root folder and within the each of the services folder.


To run the project in development mode:

npm run dev-federated


npm run dev-stitched

To run the project in production mode:

npm run start-federated


npm run start-stitched

Data Layer

    Actor <--> Cast
    Cast <--> Movie
    class Actor{
      id: ID!
      name: String!
    class Movie{
      id: ID!
      title: String!
      year: String!
    class Cast{
      id: ID!
      movieId: ID!
      actorId: ID!

Services diagram



flowchart TD
    A[GraphQL Gateway] --> |HTTP| B[Movie Server]
    A[GraphQL Gateway] --> |HTTP| C[Cast Server]
    A[GraphQL Gateway] --> |HTTP| D[Actor Server]

    subgraph Movie Server
      B[Movie Service] --> E[(Movie Data)]
    subgraph Cast Server
      C[Cast Service] --> F[(Cast Data)]
    subgraph Actor Server
      D[Actor Service] --> G[(Actor Data)]
flowchart TD
    A[GraphQL Gateway] --> B[Movie Service]
    A[GraphQL Gateway] --> C[Cast Service]
    A[GraphQL Gateway] --> D[Actor Service]

    B[Movie Service] --> E[(Movie Data)]
    C[Cast Service] --> F[(Cast Data)]
    style C stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    style F stroke-dasharray: 5 5
    D[Actor Service] --> G[(Actor Data)]

Entrypoint: ./01.federated.gateway.ts

Services are hosted as separate servers each defining their own schema. Cast Service schema definition extends both Actor and Movie adding the connection between the two.



query {
  actors {
    movies {


  1. HTTP request lands on GraphQL Gateway
  2. Gateway launches a parallel HTTP request to Actor Server and Cast Server to fetch all the actors and their corresponding movie connections.
  3. Actor Service resolves a name field from the Actor type, Cast Service resolves an array of Movie types containing only id
  4. Gateway launches another HTTP request to Movie Server to resolve the rest of the fields (title, year from Movie type) requested by the initial HTTP request and invokes __resolveReference defined here: ./services/movie/schema.federated.ts#L47
  5. The final response is then put together and returned from the Gateway

Entrypoint: ./02.stitched.gateway.ts

Services are part of the main server process. Can be hosted as separate HTTP servers but it's not a neccessity. Cast Service is internally added as a subschema into Gateway and is used to resolve the connection between Movie Service and Actor Service but is not eventually exposed to the final Gateway schema.



query {
  actors {
    movies {


  1. HTTP request lands on GraphQL Gateway
  2. Gateway starts resolving the list of Actor types.
  3. Once the movies field is requested it goes into a special resolver defined during the stitching process over here: ./02.stiched.gateway.ts#L55. This first delegates the responsibility to resolve actor --> movie connections to the internal Cast Service. This is done by invoking an internal getCastsByActorId query exposed by the Cast Service internally.
  4. Once casts containing all the movieIds are resolved the special resolver then "batch"-delegates the resolution of the remaining Movie type fields to the Movie Service - concretely to the movies query.
  5. The final response is then put together and returned from the Gateway

GraphQL Federation and Schema Stitching are two ways to build a GraphQL schema from multiple GraphQL services. This document describes the differences between the two techniques.


Federation is a specification that describes how to distribute a GraphQL API into multiple distributed subservices. The specification is provided by Apollo.


  • Federation is an official specification
  • Federation's Gateway is much easier to get up and running
  • Federation allows to develop and deploy separate services completely independently by multiple teams


  • Federation mandates for each service to be hosted as a separate server process
  • Federation introduces new directives that have to be used across services' schema definitions
  • Federation doesn't support subscriptions out of the box but there are some hacky solutions
  • I wasn't able to find a viable quick way to setup a quick graphQL wrapper over REST API other than setting up a completely new service

Schema Stitching

Schema Stitching is a technique that describes how to merge multiple GraphQL schemas into one. The technique is provided by Apollo.


  • Schema Stitching does not require exploring new directives outside of official GraphQL language (even though it's optionally available - e.g. @merge directive)
  • Schema Stitching does not require a separate GraphQL server per service to be running
  • Schema Stitching allows separate services to share a single server process
  • Schema Stitching enables easy to setup GraphQL wrapper over the REST API
  • Schema Stitching supports subscriptions


  • Schema Stitching comes with a much larger intial boilerplate
  • Schema Stitching has a single shared gateway file which needs to be maintained when new connections are introduced which complicates an independent service development
  • Schema Stitching is not an official specification


Federation was much easier to set up and make sense of. It also comes up with quite extensive documentation in oppose to schema stitching. It is a formal specification maintained by Apollo team. Schema stitching on the other hand provides more flexibility in terms of infrastructure set up and addresses a broader variety of problems.

What approach would you recommend to use in the next service oriented project and why?

Neither of the above. If my next project was a startup then I'd consider the above methods to be a premature optimization and unnecessary over-engineering. If on the other hand my next project would be a long running project that has finances to invest into performance then I would consider much more scalable option of microservices structure like Apache Kafka. The only usecase I can imagine me using the Schema Stitching would be a gradual rewrite of an existing application. I would receive requests on a gateway and forward them either to the old codebase or if the part of the system was already rewritten into a new system then I would forward it to the new codebase. We've also used Schema Stitching on Coinflip where the core of the system was a GraphQL server written in C# and our new modules and functionalities were built in NodeJS as a separate GraphQL API. A gateway stitched both GraphQL schema built in C# with our GraphQL schema built in NodeJS

Can you explain the role of API Gateway in both concepts?

Gateway is the first point of contact from frontend environments. It's exposed to the general public. It's responsible for putting together an execution plan based on the services registered and then distribute the subschema requests to them. After that the responses are combined and returned to the client.

Implement one more service that will be using REST and doesn’t provide GraphQL schema itself

The service is located in ./services/rating. I've also injected it into ./02.stitched.gateway.ts. I didn't find any information on how to incorporate it into federated gateway other than defining a completely new service.


OAKSLAB Engineering League 2023 Q2: Comparison of Apollo Federation and Schema Stitching techniques




