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Releases: Distributive-Network/PythonMonkey


02 May 19:24
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PythonMonkey v0.6.0

  • significant performance improvements, particularly in memory usage
  • improved build system and build time, including making building the docs optional, and the following build types:
    • Release: stripped symbols, maximum optimizations (default, what gets published on pip)
    • DRelease: same as Release, except symbols are not stripped
    • Debug: minimal optimizations
    • Profile: same as Debug, except profiling is enabled
  • fixed a bug where users with particularly old versions of PythonMonkey were unable to update to the latest release using pip unless they completely uninstalled PythonMonkey first


15 Apr 19:24
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PythonMonkey v0.5.0

  • fixed a bug where pmjs -e / pmjs -p was not able to call functions that require the event loop
  • implemented setInterval and clearInterval
  • implemented further cross-language support for iterators (more widespread use of iterators, such as the for-of loop for arrays, was already working in previous versions)

using a JS iterator in python:

import pythonmonkey as pm

myit = pm.eval('(function* () { yield 1; yield 2; })')()
print(next(myit)) # 1.0
print(next(myit)) # 2.0
print(next(myit)) # StopIteration exception

using a python iterator in JS:

import pythonmonkey as pm

myit = iter((1,2))
(myit) => {
  console.log([...myit]); // [1, 2]


04 Apr 20:45
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PythonMonkey v0.4.0

  • fixed a bug where methods called on proxied JS objects would use globalThis for the value of this
  • implemented proxying of arbitrary python objects in JavaScript, like so:
import pythonmonkey as pm

class Counter:
  def __init__(self):
    self.count = 0
  def increment(self):
    self.count = self.count + 1

counter = Counter()

(pyObject) => {
  console.log(pyObject.count); // 0
  console.log(pyObject.count); // 1
  • implemented a new type called JSMethodProxy, which can be used to implement methods on python objects in JavaScript, like so:
import pythonmonkey as pm

jsFunc = pm.eval("(function() { this.count++; })")

class Counter:
  def __init__(self):
    self.count = 0
    self.increment = pm.JSMethodProxy(jsFunc, self)

counter = Counter()
print(counter.count) # 0
print(counter.count) # 1
  • various garbage collection optimizations
  • various memory leak fixes
  • implemented complete cross-language stack traces
  • pm.eval can now accept a file object as its first argument (such as an object returned by the open() python built-in), which is expected to be a javascript file
  • when calling pm.require (or other requires created by pm.createRequire), .py CommonJS modules now have precedence over .js modules when there is a namespace collision
  • setTimeout now returns a Node.js-style Timeout class for the timeout id, with .ref() and .unref() methods
  • implemented XMLHttpRequest.withCredentials
  • implemented "json" support for XMLHttpRequest.responseType
  • implemented remaining standard console methods


26 Jan 16:06
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Our JS Proxies now implement all Array and Object methods on Python Lists and Dicts, and our Python List and Dict subtypes implements operators and methods on JS Arrays and Objects.

One can now do

items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
result = [None]
pm.eval("(result, arr) => {result[0] = arr.some((element) => element % 2 === 0)}")(result, items)
-> result[0] == True

and going the other way

a = pm.eval("([1,2,3,4,5,6])")
b = a[1:5]
-> b == [2,3,4,5]   

We also have all the iterators returned by such methods as values() now working without making copies of the object being iterated upon


20 Dec 20:30
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This release adds a new type, JSArrayProxy, a subtype of list, to properly proxy JavaScript Arrays as python lists, including having all of the appropriate methods.

This release also adds new methods to JSObjectProxy to more closely match dict. It now has all the same methods as dict except for the following: keys(), items(), update(), and values(). These will be added soon in a future release.


16 Nov 18:52
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This release includes implementations for URLSearchParams, XMLHttpRequest, atob, btoa, setTimeout, and clearTimeout. It also adds python 3.12 compatibility, better stringification for cross-language objects, and adds an event loop to pmjs. Finally, it fixes a bug preventing some users from installing pythonmonkey from source distributions.


28 Jul 19:27
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Debugger Pre-release

This release includes a debugger for debugging JS code in pythonmonkey. It also exposes the new and typeof operators from Javascript as functions, as well all of the standard built-in objects.

First release!

21 Jul 13:59
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First release! Pre-release

Our first public release.

Check out here to see how to install and use the library, or here if you would like to compile a local version and/or contribute to the project!

Basic examples can be found in the /examples directory.
More advanced examples can be found in the dedicated repository
Example of a fullstack AES encryption and decryption app that uses the crypto-js NPM package can be found at
