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Discord Cards Source

Last Version: 1.8.0 Dock

Notes before you yell at me:

  1. Last update was in 08/22/2017
  2. Cooldowns in memory was meant as a temporary solution
  3. In odd cases where the RDB connection dies, the shard stops responding to messages until connection is regained
  4. Many commands still use the defunt website
  5. The external emojis are from both a Material Icons discord server and a private server
  6. Some admin commands are still using private channel IDs and are mean't to be ran in the main server
  7. Discord.JS may or may not be old

What you need

  • RethinkDB
  • Redis
  • ImageMagick
  • Node.js

Config Keys

Property Type Description
token string The token to the bot
prefix.default string The prefix that the bot will use.
prefix.use_name bool Whether or not to use the name of th ebot as a prefix.
owner string The Discord ID of the person hosting the bot.
devs string array The Discord IDs of the other maintainers.
dbotsgg string The API token for
carbon string The API token for
dborg string The API token for
listcord string The API token for listcord.
r.user string The rethink user.
r.password string The password to the rethink user.
r.url string The host (IP or domain) that rethink is being hosted in.
r.port number The port that rethink is occupying. (normally is always 28015)
r.db string The database to use.
report_url string The webhook URL to send reports to.
status_url string The webhook URL to send shard updates to.
lnotif string The webhook URL to send limited notifs to.
weblate string The weblate API key used by the pt command.
weblate_url string The weblate base URL.
shards number OR "auto" The number of shards to spawn when spawning shards, setting this to "auto" will use the recommended amount of shards by Discord.
debug bool Whether or not to run debug stuff.
version string The version of the bot.


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