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Visual FoxPro to CSharp Bridge/Wrapper/Proxy

This code allows C# to call into a FoxPro program via COM interop.


In the C# file add a reference to the VFP dll you created using the bridge code.
Also add a using statement at the top of your C# file.
Note: RegSvr32.exe is required for your DLL to work. Google how to use this.

using myFoxProBridge; // Requires: RegSvr32.exe myFoxProBridge.dll

later in code

VFPtoCSharpBridgeClass vfPtoCSharpBridge = new VFPtoCSharpBridgeClass();
if (vfPtoCSharpBridge.RunVFP("myData") != 0)
  throw new COMException(vfPtoCSharpBridge.getErrorMessage());