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📚 Overview✨ New Features❓ Getting Help🚀 Quick Start

📚 Overview

Welcome to Axius!

✨ New Features

Axius comes packed with thrilling features:

  • Keybindings
    • Toggle enchantment Keybindings ( Silk-touch, Frost-Walker )
  • ToolTips
    • Enchantment Icons
    • Enchantment Status ( Enabled/Disabled )
    • Tool Rarity
    • Tool Stats ( Craftsmanship )
  • Appraisal Hud
    • Selective Toggle Enchantments
    • Enchantment Rarity Scaling
    • Enchantment Compatibilities
    • Enchantment Descriptions
    • Attribute Statistics
  • Tool Stats
    • Tool Rarity
    • Craftsmanship

❓ Getting Help

If you have questions or need assistance, our vibrant Axius Community is here to help you out!

For reporting bugs 🐛, crashes, and more, please utilize our issue tracker.

Absolutely, here's an extended and more detailed "Quick Start" section for setting up the project:

🚀 Quick Start

Getting started with Axius is an exciting journey that begins here. Follow these steps to set up the project and unleash its enchanting potential:

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Begin by cloning the Axius repository to your local machine. Open your terminal and run:

git clone

Step 2: Navigate to the Project Directory

Move into the Axius project directory using the following command:

cd Axius

Step 3: Configure IDE (IntelliJ or Eclipse)

Choose your preferred integrated development environment (IDE): IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. Axius provides support for both.

For IntelliJ IDEA users:

./gradlew genIntellijRuns

For Eclipse users:

./gradlew genEclipseRuns

Step 4: Open the Project

Launch your chosen IDE and open the Axius project. This step allows you to explore and modify the code according to your preferences.

Step 5: Build and Run

Build the project within your IDE. Make sure there are no errors or warnings during the build process.

Now, you're ready to run Axius. Launch the mod using your IDE's built-in tools or run the following command in the terminal:

./gradlew build
./gradlew runClient


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