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Car price prediction (spb market of used cars)

What I did

  1. First, I scraped data on cars from the website (pls, see file in src folder).
    Statistics for scrapped data before and after removing extreme values:

    Metrics before after
    count, q 2,518 2,384
    mean, RUB 2,099,148 1,862,896
    std, RUB 1,949,885 1,108,161
    min, RUB 97,200 400,000
    25%, RUB 1,039,000 1,049,000
    50%, RUB 1,598,283 1,576,749
    75%, RUB 2,469,947 2,350,138
    max, RUB 23,996,000 6,000,000
  2. Second, I performed data cleaning, EDA and converted categorical data to numerical data (pls, see file in src folder. ETL was also performed in auto_rolf_june.ipynb file).

  3. The next step was model selection. Initially I used LinearRegression, but it gave unsatisfactory result. So I tried RandomForestRegressor tuning with RandomizedSearchCV, GradientBoostingRegressor, LightGBM, CatBoostRegressor, XGboost.
    I chose LightGBM as this model is the fastest one and has pretty high accuracy. (pls, see auto_rolf.ipynb file)
    Pls, find below model's metrics:

    Metrics Score
    r^2 0.892
    rmse 347 296.14 RUB
    mae 243 047.57 RUB
  4. The final step was creating GUI with HTML and CSS.

You can see example in video below.



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