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Project Description Mark
Libft My first project at 42 School - creating my own C library (recoding a set of functions from the libc and developing a set of functions that deal with strings and lists). 111/100
Get Next Line Function that reads a file and returns a line ending with a newline character from a file descriptor. 125/100
Printf A simple printf implementation in C (function manages the following conversions: cspdiuxX%). 100/100
Push swap Sorting algoritm that uses 2 stacks and a set of instructions to manipulate both stacks. 84/100
Minitalk Communication program in the form of client and server implemented using UNIX signals SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2. 125/100
Philosophers A solution to the dining philosophers problems in C using threads and mutex. 100/100
FDF Creating a simplified 3D graphic representation of a relief landscape. 125/100
Minishell Group project on creating a simple analogue of bash.
Cpp modules 9 modules that introduces to the OOP in C++. 100/100
MiniRT Simple ray-tracing engine. 100/100
ft_containers Implementation of C++ STL containers (vector, stack, map and set). 125/100


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