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SimpleAdminHacks for Spigot / CB 1.12

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@ProgrammerDan ProgrammerDan released this 10 Jul 02:26
· 21 commits to master since this release

Sponsored by (Join us!) we are proud to offer a first release of SimpleAdminHacks compatible with CraftBukkit/Spigot for Minecraft version 1.12.

This is meant as a replacement for the legacy Humbug plugin, which we also support in parallel while development of SimpleAdminHacks continues.

All dependencies should be soft-dependencies.

Easily configure starting kit and introductory book, monitor player inventories and health whether online or not, keep track of combat as it happens, and much, much more. This release includes options to disable totem use (in case resurrection isn't desirable) and other features.

Note that invisible fixes aren't necessary in 1.12. Disable them. They will likely be removed in future releases, if 100% confirmed unneeded.

Open an issue with any problems faced.