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So_long is a 2D game where players collect items and avoid obstacles to reach the exit.


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So Long Documentation



Table of Contents

  1. Description

  2. Objectives

  3. Features

  4. Development Environment

  5. Code Structure

  6. Implementation

  7. Testing


The "so_long" project is a 2D game developed as part of the curriculum at 42. The game is a simple graphical adventure where the player navigates through a map, collecting items and avoiding obstacles. The main objective is to reach the exit after collecting all necessary items.


  • Develop a basic understanding of 2D game mechanics.

  • Learn to handle graphics and user inputs.

  • Implement game logic and collision detection.

  • Improve coding skills in C.


Game Mechanics

  • Player Movement: The player can move up, down, left, and right using keyboard inputs.

  • Item Collection: The player must collect all items (e.g., keys) to unlock the exit.

  • Obstacles: There are static and dynamic obstacles that the player must avoid.

  • Exit Point: The player wins by reaching the exit after collecting all required items.


  • Simple 2D tile-based graphics.

  • Basic sprite animations for the player character and items.

  • Smooth movement and collision detection.

Sound (Bonus)

  • Background music.

  • Sound effects for item collection, obstacles, and winning the game.

Development environment

Tools and Technologies

  • Programming Language: C

  • Graphics Library: MiniLibX (a simplified version of the Xlib graphics library)

  • Development Environment: Unix-based system (macOS or Linux)

  • Text Editor: Vim, Emacs, or any other preferred editor

  • Version Control: Git

System Requirements

  • Unix-based operating system (macOS or Linux)

  • Basic understanding of C programming

  • MiniLibX library installed

Code structure

├── project/
│   ├── includes/       # Header files 
│   ├── srcs/           # Source files of C code, main, mini functions, and inside, minilib and libft
│   │   ├── ft_draw_map.c    # Key file: Draws the map
│   │   ├── ft_error.c       # Key file: Handles errors
│   │   ├── ft_error_map.c   # Key file: Handles map-specific errors
│   │   ├── ft_free_game.c   # Key file: Frees game resources
│   │   ├── ft_keyboard.c    # Key file: Manages keyboard input
│   │   ├── ft_play.c        # Key file: Main gameplay logic
│   │   ├── main.c           # Key file: Entry point of the game
│   │   ├── minilib/         # Mini library functions
│   │   └── libft/           # Libft functions
│   ├── xpm/                 # Pixel images, including a 'resources' subfolder with PNG files
│   │   ├── C.xpm            # Coin image
│   │   ├── Exit.xpm         # Exit image
│   │   ├── Floor.xpm        # Floor image
│   │   ├── P.xpm            # Player image
│   │   ├── Wall.xpm         # Wall image
│   │   └── resources/       # PNG versions of XPM images
│   │       ├── C.png
│   │       ├── Exit.png
│   │       ├── Floor.png
│   │       ├── P.png
│   │       ├── Wall.png
│   ├── maps/           # Map files
│   │   ├── map.ber
│   │   ├── map1.ber
│   │   ├── map2.ber
│   │   ├── map3.ber
│   │   ├── map_big.ber
│   │   ├── map_no_collection.ber
│   │   ├── map_no_exit.ber
│   │   ├── map_no_player.ber
│   │   ├── map_no_rect.ber
│   │   ├── map_wall_error.ber
│   ├── Makefile        # Makefile to compile the project
│   └──       # Project documentation

Key files


  • main.c: The entry point of the game, responsible for initializing the game and starting the main loop.

  • ft_draw_map.c: Contains functions responsible for drawing and rendering the game map on the screen.

  • ft_error.c: Handles general error reporting and management within the game.

  • ft_error_map.c: Manages errors specific to loading and parsing map files.

  • ft_free_game.c: Includes functions for freeing resources and memory used by the game to prevent memory leaks.

  • ft_keyboard.c: Manages user input from the keyboard, including key press events and controls.

  • ft_play.c: Contains the main game logic and gameplay functions.


  • map.ber: Default map file used in the game.

  • map1.ber: Alternate map file for additional level or variation in the game.

  • map2.ber: Another alternate map file for further level variation.

  • map3.ber: Additional map file for yet another level or variation.

  • map_big.ber: Larger map file designed for a more extensive game level.

  • map_no_collection.ber: Map file designed to test the game without collectible items.

  • map_no_exit.ber: Map file designed to test the game without an exit.

  • map_no_player.ber: Map file designed to test the game without a player starting point.

  • map_no_rect.ber: Map file with a non-rectangular shape to test map validation.

  • map_wall_error.ber: Map file with wall errors to test error handling in map validation.



  • Player can move in all directions.

  • Player can collect items.

  • Player cannot move through obstacles.

  • Game recognizes when all items are collected and the player reaches the exit.

  • Game handles invalid inputs gracefully.


So_long is a 2D game where players collect items and avoid obstacles to reach the exit.








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