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Wazuh FAQs


This repository is a personal compilation of data related to development, debugging and solving some frequently asked questions related to Wazuh.

The objectives are:

  • Summary the local notes
  • Expose the notes to be used by other work colleagues. This reduces my inverted time to reply to some questions of work colleagues and provide another source of information.
  • Friendly usage to work colleagues (make easy copy-pasting the data).

It contains data about:

  • apps (Kibana, Elasticsearch, Filebeat, X-Pack, Open Distro for Elasticsearch, Wazuh dashboard and Wazuh indexer).
  • faqs: some frequently asked questions.
  • tools:
    • generator of templates for manual tests (used for pull requests or releases)

This is exposed in a static web created with GatsbyJS.

To get more information about Wazuh, visit its webpage

Wazuh documentation:

Project and personal objectives

My personal objectives building this project are:

  • learn and play with GatsbyJS
  • build CSS styles from scratch

🚀 Quick start

  1. Requirements
  • Node.js (v12.13 or newer)
  • Git
  • Gatsby command line interface (CLI) (v3 or newer)

Install gatsby globally:

npm install -g gatsby-cli

Check gatsby version:

gatsby --version

See the available commands:

gatsby --help

More info:

  1. Developing

Start the server with:

npm run develop

The server is running at http://localhost:8000.

Edit the files to see your site update in real-time!

Develop with Docker

  • Create a container to install dependencies
docker run -itd --rm -w "/home/node/app" -v "$(pwd):/home/node/app" node:14.15-alpine3.13 npm install
  • Create a container to develop
docker run -itd --rm --name wazuh-faqs -w "/home/node/app" -v "$(pwd):/home/node/app" -p "8000:8000" node:14.15-alpine3.13 sh -c "npm install -g gatsby-cli@3.9.0 && gatsby develop -H \"\""
  1. Learn more


Add content

Styles customization

Some styles can be changed through a centralized file where you can change some properties of components.