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This is a GraphQL Codegen web wrapper. This project was borne out of the need to not add an extra codegen step to the development process.

Getting Started

You can find the deployed page on Graphql Codegen Web.

To run locally, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


You can fetch types for graphql apis by visiting the webpage and adding the endpoint to the url as a query parameter like this: As long as the the API is unauthenticated, the types will be generated and returned on the page

If you want to fetch the types for a graqhql api that is protected, just return to the home page Here, you can input your authorization and the endpoint, then, generate the types. You can also fetch types for unauthenticated endpoints. Just leave the authorization field empty.


The api is available on api/codegen. You can send the graphqlApiEndpoint as a query parameter or as the json body. For authenticated endpoints, pass the token with the authorization key in the request header


  • Improve the homepage design, and add guide
  • Web adapter for other graphql codegens - this is strictly for typescript at this time.