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Add function to modelbuilder to generate observations along coastline
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Fixes #575

This function is now added, but needs TLC and cleaning up. To do for Tammo
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Tammo-Zijlker-Deltares committed Oct 11, 2023
1 parent ae7a030 commit 4a0af1d
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 0 deletions.
123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions dfm_tools/
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import hydrolib.core.dflowfm as hcdfm
import datetime as dt
import glob
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import shapely
from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiPoint, Point
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

def generate_coastline_obspoints(lon_min : float, # degrees
lon_max : float, # degrees
lat_min : float, # degrees
lat_max : float, # degrees
interval : float,# degrees
resolution : str ,# degrees
threshold_mindepth : float, # meters
file_nc : Path, # path to netcdf file
output_file : Path): # path to output file,):

#%% create obs file and snap to grid
# regular grid in coast
lat = np.linspace(lat_min,lat_max,int((lat_max-lat_min)/0.5))
lon = np.linspace(lon_min,lon_max,int((lon_max-lon_min)/0.5))

# Points along coastline with dfm_tools
coastline = dfmt.get_coastlines_gdb(res = resolution,
bbox = [lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max],
crs = "EPSG:4326")
linestrings = [polygon.boundary for polygon in coastline['geometry']]
linstrings_cropped = [shapely.ops.clip_by_rect(linestring, lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max) for linestring in linestrings]
shp_clipped = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry = gpd.GeoSeries(linstrings_cropped))
shp_clipped = shp_clipped[~shp_clipped.is_empty]

#Build GeoSeries with points along coastline
cpoints = gpd.GeoSeries()
for index, line in shp_clipped.iterrows():
if 'MULTILINESTRING' in str(line.values):
shapes = str(line.values[0]).strip().split("\n")
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': shapes})
gdf['geometry'] = gpd.GeoSeries.from_wkt(gdf['geometry'])
gdf = gdf.set_geometry('geometry').explode(index_parts=True)
for iindex, iline in gdf.iterrows():
distances = np.arange(0, iline.geometry.length, interval)
points = MultiPoint([LineString(iline.geometry).interpolate(distance) for distance in distances])
gs =gpd.GeoSeries(Point(pnt.x,pnt.y) for pnt in points.geoms)
cpoints=pd.concat([cpoints, gs]) #.append(gs)
distances = np.arange(0, line.geometry.length, interval)
points = MultiPoint([LineString(line.geometry).interpolate(distance) for distance in distances])
gs =gpd.GeoSeries(Point(pnt.x,pnt.y) for pnt in points.geoms)
cpoints=pd.concat([cpoints, gs])# cpoints=cpoints.append(gs)
locs_coast = gpd.GeoDataFrame(cpoints, geometry=cpoints.geometry, crs="EPSG:4326")

# Snap to model points and -5 m depth ## TO DO
obs['x'] = locs_coast.geometry.x.values
obs['y'] = locs_coast.geometry.y.values

#%% calculate face center x, y and z
print('interpolating cell centers from nodes')
ds_net = xr.open_dataset(file_nc)
net_face_x = []
net_face_y = []
net_face_z = []
for face in ds_net.mesh2d_nFaces:
idx_node = ds_net.mesh2d_face_nodes\
.sel(mesh2d_nFaces = face)\
.dropna(dim='mesh2d_nMax_face_nodes').data - 1
idx_node = [int(idx_node[i]) for i in range(len(idx_node))]
net_face_x_sel = ds_net.mesh2d_node_x.sel(mesh2d_nNodes = idx_node).data.mean()
net_face_y_sel = ds_net.mesh2d_node_y.sel(mesh2d_nNodes = idx_node).data.mean()
net_face_z_sel = ds_net.mesh2d_node_z.sel(mesh2d_nNodes = idx_node).data.mean()

#Make dictionary with cell centers
net_faces = pd.DataFrame({'x':net_face_x, 'y':net_face_y, 'z':net_face_z})

#Select only cells with z < threshold_mindepth
bool_valid_cells = (net_faces['z']<-threshold_mindepth)

#creating kdtree with valid cell centers (cartesian coordinates)
def xlonylat2xyzcartesian(data):
necessary to calculate cartesian distances, otherwise nearest neigbour can fail.
R = 6367
phi = np.deg2rad(data['y'])
theta = np.deg2rad(data['x'])
data = pd.DataFrame()
data['x_cart'] = R * np.cos(phi) * np.cos(theta)
data['y_cart'] = R * np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta)
data['z_cart'] = R * np.sin(phi)
return data

data_celcenxy_valid = net_faces.loc[bool_valid_cells, ['x', 'y']].reset_index() #pd.DataFrame({'x':net_node_x[bool_valid_cells],'y':net_node_y[bool_valid_cells]})#,'area':data_cellarea[bool_valid_cells]})
data_celcenxy_valid_cart = xlonylat2xyzcartesian(data_celcenxy_valid)
tree = KDTree(data_celcenxy_valid_cart[['x_cart','y_cart','z_cart']])

def dist_to_arclength(chord_length):
R = 6367 # earth radius
central_angle = 2*np.arcsin(chord_length/(2.0*R))
arclength = R*central_angle*1000
return arclength

#finding nearest cellcenter-neighbors of each obspoint in file
data_obsorg_cart = xlonylat2xyzcartesian(obs)
distance_cart, index = tree.query(data_obsorg_cart, k=1)
data_celcenxy_validsel = data_celcenxy_valid.loc[index,:]

# write
obs_snapped['x'] = data_celcenxy_validsel['x'].values
obs_snapped['y'] = data_celcenxy_validsel['y'].values
obs_snapped = obs_snapped.drop_duplicates()

#Create obs file for dflowfm
obs_sfincs = hcdfm.XYNModel()
points = [hcdfm.XYNPoint(x=x, y=y, n=f'sfincs_bnd_{i:03d}') for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(obs_snapped['x'].values, obs_snapped['y'].values))]
obs_sfincs.points = points
return obs_sfincs

def cmems_nc_to_bc(ext_bnd, list_quantities, tstart, tstop, file_pli, dir_pattern, dir_output, refdate_str):
#input examples in
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