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Defilan's Dotfiles for MacOS & Debian

This repository contains an Ansible playbook for setting up a MacOS or Debian development environment. On MacOS, this installs Homebrew, Ansible, and a variety of applications and customizations. On Debian, similar configurations are made and various apt packages are installed.


To use this setup, clone this repository into a directory of your choice on your Mac or Debian system:

git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles

Choose a desired configuration template

Please choose a configuration:
1) Lightweight (Essentials only)
2) Developer/Engineering Config
3) Productivity/Full Config
4) Quit
Enter the number of your choice:

Enter your git config information if missing

Enter your git username: Your name
Enter your git email: Your email address

The script performs the following actions:

  • Checks if Homebrew (on MacOS) is installed and installs it if not.
  • Checks if Ansible is installed and installs it if not.
  • Runs the Ansible playbook contained in this repository.

What does the Ansible playbook do?

The Ansible playbook installs a variety of applications and performs some customizations to the MacOS or Debian environment. Here's a brief overview:

  1. Taps into several Homebrew repositories, including HashiCorp, AWS, and Homebrew's own font cask.

For MacOS:

  • Installs a variety of Homebrew packages, including neovim, tmux, git-extras, thefuck, go, kubectl, skaffold, awscli, terraform, packer, aws-sam-cli, node, redis, and molecule.
  • Installs several Homebrew cask packages, including arc, iterm2, visual-studio-code, 1password, rectangle, font-hack-nerd-font, jetbrains-toolbox, nordvpn, switchresx, discord, istat-menus, signal, docker, postman, gimp, obs, and krisp.

For Debian:

  • Installs a variety of packages using the package manager, including neovim, tmux, git-extras, thefuck, go, kubectl, skaffold, awscli, terraform, packer, aws-sam-cli, node, redis, and molecule.
  1. Creates directories at ~/stuffy, ~/stuffy/code, and ~/stuffy/playground.


Please note: This configuration is specifically tailored for MacOS and Debian systems. Other operating systems are not currently supported yet.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.