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DeepSpectrum is a Python toolkit for feature extraction from audio data with pre-trained Image Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). It features an extraction pipeline which first creates visual representations for audio data - plots of spectrograms or chromagrams - and then feeds them to a pre-trained Image CNN. Activations of a specific layer then form the final feature vectors.

(c) 2017-2020 Shahin Amiriparian, Maurice Gerczuk, Sandra Ottl, Björn Schuller: Universität Augsburg Published under GPLv3, see the file for details.

Please direct any questions or requests to Shahin Amiriparian (shahin.amiriparian at or Maurice Gercuk (maurice.gerczuk at


If you use DeepSpectrum or any code from DeepSpectrum in your research work, you are kindly asked to acknowledge the use of DeepSpectrum in your publications.

S. Amiriparian, M. Gerczuk, S. Ottl, N. Cummins, M. Fre-itag, S. Pugachevskiy, and B. Schuller, “Snore Sound Classification Using Image-based Deep Spectrum Fea-tures,” in Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2017, 18th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, (Stockholm, Sweden), pp. 3512–3516, ISCA, August 2017.

  title = {Snore Sound Classification Using Image-Based Deep Spectrum Features},
  booktitle = {Interspeech 2017},
  author = {Amiriparian, Shahin and Gerczuk, Maurice and Ottl, Sandra and Cummins, Nicholas and Freitag, Michael and Pugachevskiy, Sergey and Baird, Alice and Schuller, Bj{\"o}rn},
  year = {2017},
  month = aug,
  pages = {3512--3516},
  publisher = {{ISCA}},
  language = {en}


The easiest way to install DeepSpectrum is through the official pypi package which is built for every release tag on the master branch. For installing different branches or a more manual approach, you can also use the script with pip (only for Linux) and also an environment.yml for installing through conda (recommended on Windows and OSX).

Dependencies (only for installation with pip)

  • Python 3.7
  • ffmpeg

Installing the python package

We recommend that you first setup and activate a virtual python 3.7 environment. Then you can install the toolkit via pip:

pip install deepspectrum

Installation is now complete - you can skip to configuration or usage.

Manual Conda installation

You can use the included environment.yml file to create a new virtual python environment with DeepSpectrum by running:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Then activate the environmnet with:

conda activate DeepSpectrum

Installation is now completed - you can skip to configuration or usage.

Installation through pip (for Linux)

We recommend that you install the DeepSpectrum tool into a virtual environment. To do so first create a new virtualenvironment:

virtualenv -p python3 ds_virtualenv

This creates a minimal python installation in the folder "ds_virtualenv". You can choose a different name instead of "ds_virtualenv" if you like, but the guide assumes this name. You can then activate the virtualenv (Linux):

source ds_virtualenv/bin/activate

Once the virtualenv is activated, the tool can be installed from the source directory (containing with this command:

pip install .

Installation is now completed - you can skip to configuration or usage.

GPU support

DeepSpectrum uses Tensorflow 1.15.2. GPU support should be automatically available, as long as you have CUDA version 10.0. If you cannot install cuda 10.0 globally, you can use Anaconda to install it in a virtual environment along DeepSpectrum.


If you just want to start working with ImageNet pretrained keras-application models, skip to usage. Otherwise, you can adjust your configuration file to use other weights for the supported models. The default file can be found in deep-spectrum/src/cli/deep.conf:

size = 227
backend = keras

vgg16 = imagenet
vgg19 = imagenet
resnet50 = imagenet
inception_resnet_v2 = imagenet
xception = imagenet
densenet121 = imagenet
densenet169 = imagenet
densenet201 = imagenet
mobilenet= imagenet
mobilenet_v2 = imagenet
nasnet_large = imagenet
nasnet_mobile = imagenet


Under keras-nets you can define network weights for the supported models. Setting the weights for a model to imagenet is the default and uses ImageNet pretrained models from keras-aplications. Three additional networks are also supported through pytorch: alexnet, squeezenet and googlenet. For these, no definition of the used weights is needed (or possible, for the time being). The downloaded keras-nets will be stored in $HOME/.keras.

Using the tool

You can access the scripts provided by the tool from the virtualenvironment by calling deepspectrum. The feature extraction component is provided by the subcommand features.

Features for AVEC2018 CES

The command below extracts features from overlapping 1 second windows spaced with a hop size of 0.1 seconds (-t 1 0.1) of the the file Train_DE_01.wav. It plots mel spectrograms (-m mel) and feeds them to a pre-trained VGG16 model (-en vgg16). The activations on the fc2 layer (-fl fc2) are finally written to Train_DE_01.arff as feature vectors in arff format. -nl suppresses writing any labels to the output file. The first argument after deepspectrum features must be the path to the audiofile(s).

deepspectrum features Train_DE_01.wav -t 1 0.1 -nl -en vgg16 -fl fc2 -m mel -o Train_DE_01.arff

Commandline Options

All options can also be displayed using deepspectrum features --help.

Required options

Option Description Default
-o, --output The location of the output feature file. Supported output formats are: Comma separated value files and arff files. If the specified output file's extension is .arff, arff is chosen as format, otherwise the output will be in comma separated value format. None

Extracting features from audio chunks

Option Description Default
-t, --window-size-and-hop Define window and hopsize for feature extraction. E.g -t 1 0.5 extracts features from 1 second chunks every 0.5 seconds. Extract from the whole audio file.
-s, --start Set a start time (in seconds) from which features should be extracted from the audio files. 0
-e, --end Set an end time until which features should be extracted from the audio files. None

Setting parameters for the audio plots

Option Description Default
-m, --mode Type of plot to use in the system (Choose from: 'spectrogram', 'mel', 'chroma'). spectrogram
-fs, --frequency-scale Scale for the y-axis of the plots used by the system (Choose from: 'linear', 'log' and 'mel'). This is ignored if mode=chroma or mode=mel. (default: linear)
-fql, --frequency-limit Specify a limit for the y-axis in the spectrogram plot in frequency. None
-d, --delta If specified, derivatives of the given order of the selected features are displayed in the plots used by the system. None
-nm, --number-of-melbands Number of melbands used for computing the melspectrogram. Only takes effect with mode=mel. 128
-nfft The length of the FFT window used for creating the spectrograms in number of samples. Consider choosing smaller values when extracting from small segments. The next power of two from 0.025 x sampling_rate_of_wav
-cm, --colour-map Choose a matplotlib colourmap for creating the spectrogram plots. viridis

Parameters for the feature extractor CNN

Option Description Default
-en, --extraction-network Choose the net for feature extraction as specified in the config file vgg16
-fl, --feature-layer Name of the layer from which features should be extracted. fc2

Defining label information

You can use csv files for label information or explicitly set a fixed label for all input files. If you use csv files, numerical features are supported (e.g. for regression). If you do neither of those, each file is assigned the name of its parent directory as label. This can be useful if your folder structure already represents the class labels, e.g.

data                          Base Directory of your data
  ├─── class0                 Directory containing members of 'class0'
  |    └─── instance0.wav     Directory containing members of 'class1'
  ├─── class1                      
  |    └─── instance4.wav     
  |    └─── ...
  └───              Directory containing members of 'class2'
       └─── instance20.wav  
Option Description Default
-lf, --label-file Specify a comma separated values file containing labels for each .wav file. It has to include a header and the first column must specify the name of the audio file (with extension!) None
-tc, --time-continuous Set labeling of features to time continuous mode. Only works in conjunction with -t and the specified label file has to provide labels for the specified hops in its second column. False
-el, --explicit-label Specify a single label that will be used for every input file explicitly. None
-nts, --no-timestamps Remove timestamps from the output. Write timestamps in feature file.
-nl, --no-labels Remove labels from the output. Write labels in feature file.

Additional output

Option Description Default
-so, --spectrogram-out Specify a folder to save the plots used during extraction as .pngs None
-wo, --wav-out Convenience function to write the chunks of audio data used in the extraction to the specified folder. None

Configuration and Help

Option Description Default
-np, --number-of-processes Specify the number of processes used for the extraction. Defaults to the number of available CPU cores None
-c, --config The path to the configuration file used by the program can be given here. If the file does not exist yet, it is created and filled with standard settings. deep.conf
--help Show help. None

Extracting CNN-Descriptors from images

The tool also provides a commandline utility for extracting CNN descriptors from image data. It can be accessed through deepspectrum image-features with a reduced set of options. As with deepspectrum features, the first argument should be a folder containing the input image files (.png or .jpg). The available options are: -o, -c, -np, -en, -fl, -bs, -lf, -el,-nl and --help. These function the same as described above for deepspectrum features.