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Distributed Inference Computing Network for Text-to-Image Generation

Table of Contents


$ go mod tidy
$ version=$(git describe --tags)
$ go build -ldflags "-X main.version=$version" -o host host\main.go


# install to ~/go/bin/
$ go install
$ protoc -I=./pkg/protocol/ --go_out=./pkg/protocol/ ./pkg/protocol/protocol.proto 
protoc-gen-go: program not found or is not executable
--go_out: protoc-gen-go: Plugin failed with status code 1.
$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/dbtu/go/bin
$ protoc -I=./pkg/protocol/ --go_out=./pkg/protocol/ ./pkg/protocol/protocol.proto 

Command Line

host [-h] [-config ./config.json] [-version] [-init mode] [-peerkey ./peer.key] [-psk]

  • h: Show command line help
  • config: Run program using the specified configuration file
  • version: Show version number and exit
  • init: Initialize configuration in client/server mode
  • peerkey: Parse or generate a key file based on the specified file path
  • psk: Generate a random Pre-Shared Key
$ host.exe -init client
Generate peer key success at D:\Code\AIComputingNode\host\peer.key
Important notice: Please save this key file. You can use tools to retrieve the ID and private key in the future.
Encode private key: CAISINAckM6QODvCrez5I0Q3RZyo9PeV4jDeB1L71AHnSU/H
Encode public key: CAISIQNbA9ZWCwFM7X/eTUUBvwSRzTurMLkb9jg38wn5IRL4BQ==
Transform Peer ID: 16Uiu2HAmJnGqxBqtWGkymSsy5WDKJY5A5NctcUduENADDptQFF4Y
Create datastore directory at D:\Code\AIComputingNode\host\datastore
Generate configuration success at D:\Code\AIComputingNode\host\client.json
Run "host -config D:\Code\AIComputingNode\host\client.json" command to start the program
$ host.exe -peerkey D:\Code\AIComputingNode\host\peer.key
Load peer key success
Encode private key: CAISINAckM6QODvCrez5I0Q3RZyo9PeV4jDeB1L71AHnSU/H
Encode public key: CAISIQNbA9ZWCwFM7X/eTUUBvwSRzTurMLkb9jg38wn5IRL4BQ==
Transform Peer ID: 16Uiu2HAmJnGqxBqtWGkymSsy5WDKJY5A5NctcUduENADDptQFF4Y
$ host.exe -config D:\Code\AIComputingNode\host\client.json
2024-04-24T10:44:07.065+0800	INFO	AIComputingNode	host/main.go:97	################################################################
2024-04-24T10:44:07.077+0800	INFO	AIComputingNode	host/main.go:98	#                          START                               #
2024-04-24T10:44:07.077+0800	INFO	AIComputingNode	host/main.go:99	################################################################
2024-04-24T10:44:07.123+0800	INFO	dht/RtRefreshManager	rtrefresh/rt_refresh_manager.go:322	starting refreshing cpl 0 with key CIQAAAUWCEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (routing table size was 0)
2024-04-24T10:44:07.123+0800	WARN	dht/RtRefreshManager	rtrefresh/rt_refresh_manager.go:187	failed when refreshing routing table2 errors occurred:
	* failed to query for self, err=failed to find any peer in table
	* failed to refresh cpl=0, err=failed to find any peer in table

2024-04-24T10:44:07.128+0800	INFO	AIComputingNode	host/main.go:188	Listen addresses:[/ip4/ /ip4/ /ip6/::1/tcp/7001]
2024-04-24T10:44:07.128+0800	INFO	AIComputingNode	host/main.go:189	Node id:16Uiu2HAmJnGqxBqtWGkymSsy5WDKJY5A5NctcUduENADDptQFF4Y
2024-04-24T10:44:07.168+0800	INFO	AIComputingNode	host/main.go:197	libp2p node address:[/ip4/ /ip4/ /ip6/::1/tcp/7001/p2p/16Uiu2HAmJnGqxBqtWGkymSsy5WDKJY5A5NctcUduENADDptQFF4Y]
2024-04-24T10:44:07.169+0800	INFO	dht/RtRefreshManager	rtrefresh/rt_refresh_manager.go:322	starting refreshing cpl 0 with key CIQAAAIIMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (routing table size was 0)
2024-04-24T10:44:07.169+0800	WARN	dht/RtRefreshManager	rtrefresh/rt_refresh_manager.go:233	failed when refreshing routing table	{"error": "2 errors occurred:\n\t* failed to query for self, err=failed to find any peer in table\n\t* failed to refresh cpl=0, err=failed to find any peer in table\n\n"}
2024-04-24T10:44:07.169+0800	INFO	AIComputingNode	pubsub/tracer.go:48	Trace event: {Type: JOIN, PeerID: 16Uiu2HAmJnGqxBqtWGkymSsy5WDKJY5A5NctcUduENADDptQFF4Y, Join{Topic: SuperImageAI}}
2024-04-24T10:44:07.169+0800	INFO	AIComputingNode	host/main.go:343	listening for connections
2024-04-24T10:44:07.169+0800	INFO	AIComputingNode	serve/http.go:386	HTTP server is running on


  // Boot node list, used for node routing and discovery functions, needs to be deployed on
  // a public network server, preferably with a domain name
  "Bootstrap": [
  // Listening address for node connection communication
  "Addresses": [
  // API that provides HTTP services
  "API": {
    // Provided in the form "host:port", such as "localhost:8080", ""
    // or "", where "" can be abbreviated as ":8080".
    "Addr": ":6000"
  // The identity information of the node is generated by the peer-key tool. The following is
  // just an example. Please generate and fill it out by yourself during actual deployment.
  // PeerID is generated by algorithm using public key, and the program will verify whether
  // PeerID and PrivKey match.
  "Identity": {
    // Node ID of the node
    "PeerID": "16Uiu2HAmJnGqxBqtWGkymSsy5WDKJY5A5NctcUduENADDptQFF4Y",
    // Node’s private key
    "PrivKey": "CAISINAckM6QODvCrez5I0Q3RZyo9PeV4jDeB1L71AHnSU/H"
  // Configure node connection parameters
  "Swarm": {
    // Connection manager
    "ConnMgr": {
      // Type of connection manager
      // "basic" - Basic manager with parameters such as "HighWater" "LowWater"
      // "none" - Not using a connection manager
      "Type": "basic",
      // GracePeriod is a time duration that new connections are immune from being closed by
      // the connection manager.
      "GracePeriod": "20s",
      // When a node using the basic connection manager reaches HighWater idle connections,
      // it will close the least useful ones until it reaches LowWater idle connections.
      "HighWater": 400,
      "LowWater": 100
    // Disable automatic NAT port forwarding.
    // When not disabled (default), the local node asks NAT devices (e.g., routers), to open up
    // an external port and forward it to the port node is running on. When this works (i.e., when
    // your router supports NAT port forwarding), it makes the local node accessible from the
    // public internet.
    "DisableNatPortMap": false,
    // Configuration options for the relay client to use relay services.
    "RelayClient": {
      // Enables "automatic relay user" mode for this node.
      // If the node is deployed on a public server, please disable it, otherwise enable it.
      "Enabled": true,
      "StaticRelays": []
    // Configuration options for the relay service that can be provided to other peers on the network
    "RelayService": {
      // Enables providing `/p2p-circuit` v2 relay service to other peers on the network.
      // If the node is deployed on a public server, please enable it, otherwise disable it.
      "Enabled": false
    // Experimental
    // Enable hole punching for NAT traversal when port forwarding is not possible. (default: disabled)
    // When enabled, the local node will coordinate with the counterparty using a relayed connection,
    // to upgrade to a direct connection through a NAT/firewall whenever possible. This feature
    // requires Swarm.RelayClient.Enabled to be set to true.
    "EnableHolePunching": false,
    // If you want to help other peers to figure out if they are behind NATs, you can launch the
    // server-side of AutoNAT too (RelayClient already runs the client).
    // This configures the node to provide a service to peers for determining their reachability status.
    // If the node is deployed on a public server, please enable it, otherwise disable it.
    // This service is highly rate-limited and should not cause any performance issues.
    "EnableAutoNATService": true
  // Publish and subscribe configuration
  "Pubsub": {
    // Enabled by default
    "Enabled": true,
    // Route type, default "gossipsub"
    // "floodsub" - floodsub is a basic router that simply floods messages to all connected peers.
    // This router is extremely inefficient but very reliable. Suitable for small networks with few nodes.
    // "gossipsub" - gossipsub is a more advanced router with mesh formation and gossip propagation.
    // Suitable for large networks with many nodes.
    "Router": "gossipsub",
    // Use flood publishing in "gossipsub" to send messages to all peers with a score greater than publishThreshold.
    "FloodPublish": true
  // Node routing configuration
  "Routing": {
    // Route type, one of the following options
    // "dhtclient" - Client mode, suitable for nodes behind NAT
    // "dhtserver" - Server mode, suitable for nodes deployed on public network servers
    // "auto" - Automatically determine client mode or server mode based on network conditions
    // "none" - Not using DHT routing to discover other nodes
    "Type": "dhtclient",
    // The prefix of the routing protocol. Nodes with different protocols cannot establish connections.
    "ProtocolPrefix": "/DeepBrainChain"
  // Application configuration
  "app": {
    // Log level, one of "debug"、"info"、"warn"、"error"、"panic" and "fatal"
    "LogLevel": "info",
    // Log file path, used to save log records generated by the program
    "LogFile": "./test.log",
    // Log output mode, freely combined by "stderr", "file" or "+"
    // "stderr" - output to console
    // "file" - Output to the file specified by "LogFile"
    // "stderr+file" - Output to the console and the specified file at the same time
    "LogOutput": "stderr+file",
    // Pre-generated shared key, nodes with different keys cannot establish connections
    "PreSharedKey": "f504f536a912a8cf7d00adacee8ed20270c5040d961d7f3da4fccbcbec0ec48a",
    // The subscribed topic name, used for centralized node query services, such as querying
    // the Node ID list of all nodes in the network.
    // Different topic names may prevent others from querying the node you deployed.
    "TopicName": "SuperImageAI",
    // The data storage folder persists the successfully connected peer information and other
    // information to facilitate the node to quickly reconnect to the network when it starts.
    // Please create this folder in advance and ensure that this node program has read and
    // write permissions.
    "Datastore": "./datastore"

Client Configuration Example

  "Bootstrap": [
  "Addresses": [
  "API": {
    "Addr": ":6000"
  "Identity": {
    "PeerID": "16Uiu2HAmJnGqxBqtWGkymSsy5WDKJY5A5NctcUduENADDptQFF4Y",
    "PrivKey": "CAISINAckM6QODvCrez5I0Q3RZyo9PeV4jDeB1L71AHnSU/H"
  "Swarm": {
    "ConnMgr": {
      "Type": "none",
      "GracePeriod": "20s",
      "HighWater": 400,
      "LowWater": 100
    "DisableNatPortMap": false,
    "RelayClient": {
      "Enabled": true,
      "StaticRelays": []
    "RelayService": {
      "Enabled": false
    "EnableHolePunching": true,
    "EnableAutoNATService": true
  "Pubsub": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Router": "gossipsub",
    "FloodPublish": true
  "Routing": {
    "Type": "dhtclient",
    "ProtocolPrefix": "/DeepBrainChain"
  "app": {
    "LogLevel": "info",
    "LogFile": "./test.log",
    "LogOutput": "stderr+file",
    "PreSharedKey": "f504f536a912a8cf7d00adacee8ed20270c5040d961d7f3da4fccbcbec0ec48a",
    "TopicName": "SuperImageAI",
    "Datastore": "./datastore"

Server Configuration Example

  "Bootstrap": [
  "Addresses": [
  "API": {
    "Addr": ":6000"
  "Identity": {
    "PeerID": "16Uiu2HAmJnGqxBqtWGkymSsy5WDKJY5A5NctcUduENADDptQFF4Y",
    "PrivKey": "CAISINAckM6QODvCrez5I0Q3RZyo9PeV4jDeB1L71AHnSU/H"
  "Swarm": {
    "ConnMgr": {
      "Type": "basic",
      "GracePeriod": "20s",
      "HighWater": 400,
      "LowWater": 100
    "DisableNatPortMap": true,
    "RelayClient": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "StaticRelays": []
    "RelayService": {
      "Enabled": true
    "EnableHolePunching": false,
    "EnableAutoNATService": true
  "Pubsub": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Router": "floodsub",
    "FloodPublish": true
  "Routing": {
    "Type": "dhtserver",
    "ProtocolPrefix": "/DeepBrainChain"
  "app": {
    "LogLevel": "info",
    "LogFile": "./test.log",
    "LogOutput": "stderr+file",
    "PreSharedKey": "f504f536a912a8cf7d00adacee8ed20270c5040d961d7f3da4fccbcbec0ec48a",
    "TopicName": "SuperImageAI",
    "Datastore": "./datastore"



Upload files to or download files from IPFS nodes.

$ ./ipfs -node /ip4/ -upload ./test.png
2024/04/09 17:01:35 Upload file /ipfs/QmStNRFDoBzuEn4g7wWXV7UEFXtXGBf4SgJjzmjjDvD1Hb
2024/04/09 17:01:35 File uploaded successfully.
$ ./ipfs -node /ip4/ -download QmStNRFDoBzuEn4g7wWXV7UEFXtXGBf4SgJjzmjjDvD1Hb -save ./test.png
2024/04/09 17:03:22 File downloaded successfully.

When we upload a file to an IPFS node (such as /ip4/ in the above example), a CID identification (such as QmStNRFDoBzuEn4g7wWXV7UEFXtXGBf4SgJjzmjjDvD1Hb in the above example) will be returned, and then we can view the file in the browser through, or even view it on the public Internet through



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