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Configuration files

ogavb edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 6 revisions

Description of the configuration files

LoIDE is designed to allow configuration via JSON files. The rules on how these files are to be written are defined in the JSON Schema. Using an open source tool (json-schema-form-humans), human-friendly documentation was generated from these JSON schemas.

Configuration files

There are two JSON configuration files:

Consideration about notation:

  • In the documentation properties that are preceded by the symbol + are mandatory, while those preceded by the symbol - are optional.

Markdown documentation generation

The json-schema-form-humans library was used to generate the Markdown documentation featured in this wiki. Follow the instructions on installation and execution in the project repository. The jsfh-conf.yaml configuration file contained in the project root was used to generate the documentation on LoIDE's JSON schemas.

Once the library is installed, run the following commands from the project root:

generate-schema-doc --config-file jsfh-conf.yaml config/app-config-schema.json

generate-schema-doc --config-file jsfh-conf.yaml config/services-schema.json

These will create two files ( and that contain human readable documentation.

In this case not using properties such as "deprecated" and "definition," the following command is used to remove these columns from the documentation.

sed -E -i 's/\| Deprecated \| Definition |\| ---------- \| ---------- |\| No \| - //'

sed -E -i 's/\| Deprecated \| Definition |\| ---------- \| ---------- |\| No \| - //'