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License: GPL v3. Language: C#

Math Bot CLI - Command-Line Mathematical Utility

Linux: Add apt repo (instructions) and run:

sudo apt install mathbotcli


Welcome to Math Bot CLI, a command-line utility that's more than just a mathematical tool. It's a dynamic and expandable application designed to facilitate various numerical computations and serve as a platform for future feature enhancements.

Linux Screenshot

Purpose and Scope

This project originated from the need for a versatile mathematical tool that goes beyond simple arithmetic operations. The aim is to offer a comprehensive suite of mathematical functionalities within an intuitive command-line interface. However, the project's horizon extends beyond math; future iterations will incorporate additional capabilities and expand its utility.

Current Features

Math Bot CLI currently supports the following features and commands:

--about, -info, -a: Display detailed information about the application, including version details, copyright, and licensing.

--credits, -c: Acknowledgments and credits for contributors and tools used in development.

--help, -h: Guidance on usage, command references, and a rundown of available functionalities.

--prime : Verify if a given number is a prime number.

--addition, -add: Perform addition operations on given numbers.

--subtraction, -subtract: Execute subtraction operations between numbers.

--multiplication -multiply: Multiply numbers together.

--division, -divide: Divide numbers accurately.

Future Developments and Community Engagement

This project is a work in progress and constantly evolving. Your feedback, suggestions, and contributions are invaluable! We encourage active participation from the community. If you encounter issues, have ideas for improvements, or wish to contribute code or ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out:

Contact Us:

Phone: (213) 534-7768


The Math Bot CLI project aims to evolve into a versatile tool not only for mathematics but for various computational tasks. Your involvement and support are pivotal in shaping its future!