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Note: this repository is not actively maintained. You can find a newer version of the adapter with Athena Engine 2 support, seeds and more in the following repository:


This plugin can be installed via pip:

$ pip install git+

Configuring your profile

A dbt profile can be configured to run against Athena using the following configuration:

Option Description Required? Example
s3_staging_dir The location where Athena stores meta info Required s3://bucket/staging
schema Specify the schema (athena database) to build models into Required dev
database Data catalog Required awsdatacatalog
region_name Specify in which AWS region it should connect Required eu-west-1
threads How many threads dbt should use Optional(default=1) 8
max_retry_number Number for retries for exponential backoff Optional(default=5) 8
max_retry_delay Maximum delay for exponential backoff in seconds Optional(default=100) 8

Example profiles.yml entry:

  target: athena
      type: athena
      database: awsdatacatalog
      schema: dev
      region_name: eu-west-1
      threads: 8
      s3_staging_dir: s3://athena-staging-bucket/

Usage Notes

Supported Functionality

Due to the nature of Athena, not all core dbt functionality is supported. The following features of dbt are not implemented on Athena:

  • Archival
  • Incremental models

If you are interested in helping to add support for this functionality in dbt on Athena, please open an issue!

Known issues:

  • Quoting is not supported

Reporting bugs and contributing code

  • Want to report a bug or request a feature? Let us know on Slack, or open an issue.

Running the tests

Unit tests

  1. Install tox:
pip install tox
  1. Run unit tests:
tox -e unit

Integration tests

At this time, an AWS account is not provided in order to run the tests in CI. We kindly ask contributors/reviewers to use their own AWS accounts in order to test contributions.

You can also reach out in the Slack #athena channel for someone to run the tests for you.


  1. Clone the dbt-integration-tests repository
git clone --branch athena-support
  1. Run the tests:

Additionally, you might need to set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable if you use another value than "default" (for example if you connect to multiple AWS accounts or assume different IAM roles)

AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2 ATHENA_S3_STAGING_DIR=s3://dbt-athena-integration-tests/tests/ DBT_PROFILES_DIR=$(pwd)/test/integration/ tox -e integration-athena

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the dbt project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct.


dbt adapter for Athena







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Contributors 4
