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Online Shopping Microservice: using separate moduls, databases (MongoDB, MySQL Server, H2 - in memory DB), implementing API-Gateway & Keycloak


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Online Shopping Microservice Application

Created by Modules

  • Product Service (uses MongoDB)
  • Order Service (uses MySQL server) - test uses H2 in memory database
  • Inventory Service (uses MySQL server) - test uses H2 in memory database
  • Discovery Server - Eureka Server
  • API Gateway
  • Keycloak (Authorization Server)
  • Notification Service uses Kafka (using Event Driven Architecture)

Other extra implementations:

  • Circuit Breaker (using Resilience4j - library inspired by: Netflix Hystrix) implemented in Order Service
  • Distributed Tracing (set TraceId -> for whole request and SpanId -> for services) -> using: Observability with MicroMeter (instead of deprecated Spring Cloud Sleuth) -> Zipkin for UI

Setup (Environment variables)

  • Please feel free to use your own setup!
Name Value Remark Extra remark
MYSQL_DB_PORT 3306 default used for MySQL
MONGO_DB_PORT 27017 default used for MongoDB
no such info pls use your own! used for all MySQL Database separate database for scaling! added additionally with underscore the service name!
MYSQL_DB_USER no such info default pls use your own if you have set any other, default value is: root
MYSQL_DB_PASSWORD no such info pls use your own! MYSQL Installation Guide

Keycloak: (port set: 8181 -> feel free to set your own! watch out for the configs though!)

docker run -p 8181:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin start-dev

Open Zipkin (url: http://localhost:9411/zipkin/):

docker run -d -p 9411 openzipkin/zipkin:latest or docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin:latest

Zipkin POST endpoint: http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans

Easier to read: brew install jq

Docker for Kafka (from main project):

docker compose up -d

Check docker up and running: docker ps

Check Kafka logs: docker logs -f broker

Dockerize the Project

Tool: Docker-compose

Create the Dockerfile and in terminal: docker build -t apigateway-dockerfile .

Check image: docker images

Build Docker Layer: docker build -t apigateway-layered -f Dockerfilelayered .

Creating Docker Container image with using Jib mvn clean compile jib:build

Use jib:dockerBuild if you don't want to push it!

To push to DockerHub: docker push csaba79coder/online-shopping:tagname docker tag local-image:tagname new-repo:tagname docker push new-repo:tagname

DockerHub login from terminal: docker login -u "myusername" -p "mypassword"

To pull and run all the docker compose images from DockerHub (daemon mode):

docker compose up -d

Check the service if it is running: docker logs -f order-service (like checking Kafka)

Every time we restart the docker new Client Secret will be generated for the Client (spring-cloud-client)

with opening Keycloak through localhost:8080 we can log to keycloak, and get the Client Secret!

API call from Postman:

Without API Gateway implemented (direct keycloak call):


After API Gateway implemented:


From docker through API Gateway:


Do not forget tho change:

C -> Windows -> System32 -> drivers -> etc -> filename: hosts

for Postman to be able to get the Secret Key add this line: keycloak


Monitoring MicroService (Prometheus -> in memory database & Grafana -> UI dashboard)

Prometheus endpoint: /actuator/prometheus

Grafana endpoint: localhost:3000

Recompile Docker using Jib: mvn clean compile jib:build

In case of war projects use bellow: mvn clean package jib:build

After login to Grafana add datasource (Prometheus) -> named as e.g.: Prometheus Microservices

Define Prometheus' url: http://prometheus:9090

Next step to create a Dashboard in Grafana for Prometheus (better to import an existing one):

Find under main project named: Grafana_Dashboard.json -> the content must be copied to: Import via panel json -> load -> select datasource (as you named it, choose that one!) -> click: import