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PWA Expert System 0.7.3 (final release)

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@release-drafter release-drafter released this 06 Apr 18:59

Release 0.7.3 (final release)

See all documentation for this version here.

This is the final release of the PWA Expert System. The package has been split up into QRules and AmpForm (the original reaction and amplitude sub-modules).

⚠️ Interface

Moved particle module to reaction (#551)

The particle module was originally under a separate module, because it could theoretically operate on its own. However, since its main classes Particle, ParticleCollection and Spin merely serve as user interfaces to the reaction module, it's better to move it back into the reaction module.

This PR also enables #372, which was currently not possible due to cyclic imports.

Extract reaction.transition sub-module (#557)

The main reaction module has been reduced in size by extracting a transition sub-module. This module (eventually) contains everything related to state transitions between an initial and final state (as opposed to some cascade of decays).

🔨 Internal maintenance

GellMann-Nishijima conservation rule in particle module (#552)

Closes #372 and reduces code duplication

_ElementType is not constrained anymore so that Pyright (#554)

Closes #437

Un-constrain the TypeVar used in GraphElementPropertyMap so that Pyright can handle it. This allows upgrading Pyright to 1.1.100 and up, and therefore running it as a pre-commit hook.

Added converters for Edge/NodeInput classes to make them more user-friendly (#555)

The conservation_rules were a bit bothersome to use because you have to convert the input for each rule to a some input class and (for correct typing) explicitly cast to a type listed in EdgeQuantumNumbers and/or NodeQuantumNumbers. This PR improves this a bit by adding attrs argument converters and asserting that the input classes have the same attribute names as EdgeQuantumNumbers and/or NodeQuantumNumbers (for duck typing).

📝 Documentation

Added deprecated warnings that point to QRules and AmpForm (#558)

Closes #1
Closes #369
Closes #553