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Network Level Adversaries in Federated Learning

Abstract art generated with VQGan + Clip

This repository contains code for the paper Network Level Adversaries in Federated Learning (nlafl) currently under submission.

Get started

Environment setup

Add your ssh key to agent

ssh-agent bash
ssh 'remoteMachine' 
# you need to use ssh agents because project involves ssh to your account. 
# Password authentication is not supported.

Create a virtualenv

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Clone the repo

git lfs clone 'REPO'
cd 'REPO'

If there are issues with cloning with git lfs related to exceeding the lfs quota, the content of the data/ folder can be downloaded from this link.

Check your python version>=3.8.10

python --version

Install dependencies

pip install -e .


Modify the variables in to adapt to your setup.

In src/nlafl/ set your repo dir and env dir. Both must end with /(slash). i.e : '~/env/'

How to Use

Command line tool

  • Using emnist,dbpedia or fashionMnist commands you can run a single experiment. You need to provide additional position arguments for details look section below.
  • Using docker command you can set the cluster it is required for the run command.
  • If you already run the experiments you can create tables using the table command/
  • You can run experiments using the run command.
usage: nlafl [-h] {emnist,dbpedia,fashionMnist,docker,table,run} ...

positional arguments:
                        Choose one of the following
    emnist              Run single emnist experiment
    dbpedia             Run single dbpedia experiment
    fashionMnist        Run single fashionMnist experiment
    docker              Start/Stop cluster to support many experiments
    table               Produce tables if you have already run the tables
    run                 Run experiments for a table

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Run single experiment

- Using emnist,dbpedia or fashionMnist commands you can run a single experiment.
You need to provide positional arguments below to run the experiment.

usage: nlafl emnist/dbpedia/fashionMnist [-h] target_class num_pop_clients remove_pop_clients drop_epoch drop_count poison_count trial_ind {clip,mean} boost_factor upsample_epoch upsample_ct {random,agg,each} {agg,each}

positional arguments:
  target_class        which class is only present in subpopulation and it will be attacked ?
  num_pop_clients     how many clients have target class points?
  remove_pop_clients  how many clients are dropped at round 0, perfect knowledge
  drop_epoch          client identification + dropping epoch T_N, set to -1 to deactivate, overrides perfect knowledge attack
  drop_count          client id + dropping drop count k_N
  poison_count        number of poisoned clients
  trial_ind           trial number
  {clip,mean}         aggregate with fedavg or clipped fedavg?
  boost_factor        model poisoning boost factor
  upsample_epoch      defensive upsampling epoch T_S, set to -1 to deactivate
  upsample_ct         defensive upsampling client count k_S
  {random,agg,each}   how much knowledge does the network have: random dropping, mean of updates, or update
  {agg,each}          how much knowledge does server have: mean of updates or update

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit

Run docker

To run the experiments on mulitple machines, we used celery for orchestration. This requires docker to be installed on the system. This step is required to use the nlafl run command.

Use nlafl docker start to start the celery instance and stop to kill celery and running docker images:

usage: nlafl docker [-h] {start,stop}

positional arguments:
  {start,stop}  start stop docker

Run experiment tables

To reproduce the tables presented in the paper:

  • Run nlafl docker start first.
  • There are 5 different tables and 3 different datasets.
    • Using the identification command you can run required experiments table 4 in paper.
    • Using the baseline command you can run required experiments clean target acc
    • Using the targeted command you can run required experiments table 2 and table 3.
    • Using the big_plain command you can run required experiments part of table 6 (plain)
    • Using the big_enc command you can run required experiments part of table 6 (enc)
    • Using the big_mpc command you can run required experiments a similar figure to 6 under mpc setting.
usage: nlafl run [-h] [--base BASE] [--version VERSION] {identification,baseline,targeted,big_plain,big_enc,big_mpc} {emnist,fashionMnist,dbpedia}

positional arguments:
                        which table will be run
                        which dataset will be used for running

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base BASE           set different base, ie : "/path/to/base"
  --version VERSION     set different version, ie : "v2"

Produce experiment tables

  • With table command if you complete running experiments you can produce tables with same commands you used for the running table.
usage: nlafl table [-h] [--base BASE] [--version VERSION] {identification,baseline,targeted,big_plain,big_enc,big_mpc} {emnist,fashionMnist,dbpedia}

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base BASE
  --version VERSION

Project Structure

├── data                                               #   where training data is stored-                                                                                                        
├── experimentLogs                                     #                                                                                                   
└── src                                                #                                          
    ├──                                        #   command line tool                                                                                        
    ├── nlafl                                          #   implementation of the paper                                             
    │   ├──                                  #   hard coded parameters are here.                                                     
    │   ├──                          #   dbpedia model                                                             
    │   ├──                          #   dbpedia sample                                                             
    │   ├──                           #   emnist model                                                            
    │   ├──                           #   emnist sample                                                            
    │   ├──                     #   fashionMnist model                                                                  
    │   ├──                     #   fashionMnist sample                                                                  
    │   ├──       #   dbpedia Implementation                                                                                
    │   ├──        #   emnist  Implementation                     
    │   ├──  #   fashionMnist Implementation                                     
    │   ├──                            #   create dbpedia from raw            
    │   ├──                             #   create emnist from raw           
    │   └──                       #   create fashionMnist from raw                         
    ├── runParallel                                    #   module for running it in parallel   
    │   ├──                              #   makes connections from multiple machines                
    │   ├──                                     #   creates required jobs for the tables  
    │   ├── myrabbitmq.conf                            #   increases max run time in celery              
    │   ├──                                #   removes multiple celery instances       
    │   └──                                   #   creates a celery task that runs command line instruction   
    └── tableCreation                                  #   module for creating tables     
        ├──                            #   creates the tables
        ├──                                 #   heatmap raw data      
        ├──                    #   read heatmap raw data                   
        └──                          #   created identification results raw                    


Note: in order to run the script necessary to create the data files, you will need to create a different environment with Tensorflow 2.7. This is necessary to create the embedding matrix successfully. With Tensorflow 2.2, the generated embedding matrix will contain only 0 entries.

Similarly to the other datasets, first generate the data files using, then run a single experiment using


Code for the paper Network-Level Adversaries in Federated Learning







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