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HEL Service Map Bright


HEL Service Map Bright is a map theme based on OSM Bright. The theme is used to display overlay data in geographic context.

Mapbox style

For vector tile rendering of OpenMapTiles imported OSM data, a Mapbox Style re-enactment of the original design is now included as style.json. It can be opened and edited with Maputnik.

To use the style on a server, just follow OpenMapTiles and Tileserver GL instructions. To use the style on a web client, you may use MapBox GL JS or any other JS library that supports Mapbox styles. For server-side rendering in multiple languages (e.g. Swedish), we suggest the City of Helsinki Tileserver GL fork that supports specifying the language in the tile URL.

MapBox port by Riku Oja.

Original CartoCSS style

It is written in the Carto styling language and can be opened as a project in TileMill.

You will need to download these files and extract them in shp directory on your project root:

See extended setup instructions on OSM Bright.

Theme style by Kalle Järvenpää.


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