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A Swift library for working with editorconfig files

  • Parse and resolve editorconfig files
  • Enforce a limitation on how far up the filesystem the resolution will scan
  • Render Configuration structs back into the editorconfig format

As of right now, this library does not handle curly brace expansion inside patterns.


dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "0.1.0")


import EditorConfig

let resolver = Resolver()

let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "path/to/myfile")

let configuration = try resolver.configuration(for: fileURL)

Contributing and Collaboration

I would love to hear from you! Issues, Discussions, or pull requests work great.

I prefer collaboration, and would love to find ways to work together if you have a similar project.

I prefer indentation with tabs for improved accessibility. But, I'd rather you use the system you want and make a PR than hesitate because of whitespace.

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