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AWS API Gateway deployment template

This is a small template to deploy different endpoints to an AWS API Gateway. It is not intended to be used as is, it's not an out of the box system to be used. All this is, is a template to get you started with a setup for your own system, Too much is tailored to specific use cases to be completely integrated into this setup.

All mechanisms can most likely be done in multiple different ways using the services provided inside AWS, but this is a template from a solution used in one of my contracting projects, and it works at least ;)

This template does NOT use the versioning for S3 files or any of the stage features of the API Gateway. Every environment uses a separate API with a different URL. This was done to have a complete separation of different environments as they might need access to resources which should not be mixed up.

All logging done with the default Python logging is stored in AWS CloudWatch logs.

The requirements.txt in the main source folder is a full set of needed dependencies for every function used. This is used to conveniently create virtual environments, NOT deployment. Separate requirements.txt in each function folders must be maintained for deployment, as not all dependencies are used in every function.

Example functions:

  • add some information to the system (HTTP POST)
  • authentication (custom authorizer lambda function)
  • delete information from the system (HTTP DELETE)
  • get information (HTTP GET)
  • update some information (HTTP PUT)

Thanks to:

for inspiration and 'What the hell are they doing'-reference


  • get rid of multiple requirements.txt
  • change ARN building in 'create_CF_api_gateway', best with request to AWS
  • build files from parameters set in 'set_X_facts' not just substitution


ansible-playbook playbook.yml --extra-vars '{"environ": "ENV"} with ENV being something like 'dev', 'staging', 'production', etc...

Shortcut script:

usage: [-h] [-p PLAYBOOK] [-e ENVIRONMENT] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PLAYBOOK, --playbook PLAYBOOK
                        which playbook to run (default: 'playbook.yml')
  -e ENVIRONMENT, --environment ENVIRONMENT (default: 'dev')
  -v, --verbose         enable verbose output (default: False)

Build process:

The deployment / build process is separated into smaller steps which are executed in order to make sure everything is set up.

step 1:

This build process creates a workspace directory and copies all needed source code into folders for each lambda function. All needed libraries are then installed into the new folders based on the requirements.txt file in each subfolder. A configuration file is created for environment setup, i.e. log level.

step 2:

The files are then zip'ed and copied into the build folder, in case they are needed at any point. The naming convention for these zip files is <environment>-<AWS function name>.zip, i.e.

step 3:

The created zip files are then uploaded to a S3 bucket for usage in AWS.

step 4:

Lambda functions are created with Cloudformation templates generated from environment variables to in environment specific setup. This is used for VPC settings etc

step 5:

In this step the API Gateway definitions are build from the template and applied. The API is NOT deployed at this stage, this has to be done manually from the AWS UI. The authorizer deployed is always names lambda auth here but points to the environment specific lambda function via the ARN definition.


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