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Security: Cherry-toto/jizhicms


Security Policy 安全策略

Supported Versions 支持的版本

Version Supported
2.0 [ ✓ ]
1.9.x [ ✓ ]
< 1.9.x [ × ]

Reporting a Vulnerability 报告漏洞

We strongly encourage you to report security vulnerabilities to our private security mailing list: or - first, before disclosing them in any public forums.

This is a private mailing list where only members of the JiZhiCMS internal security team are subscribed to, and is treated as top priority.

我们强烈建议您向我们的私人安全邮件列表报告安全漏洞,在任何公开论坛上披露之前。 这是一个私人邮件列表,只有 JiZhiCMS 内部安全团队的成员才能订阅,并被视为最高优先级。

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability in jizhicms please disclose it via our huntr page. Bounty eligibility, CVE assignment, response times and past reports are all there.

Thank you for improving the security of jizhicms.

There aren’t any published security advisories