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This plugin works around CKAN issue Calling dataset groups "groups" (rather than e.g. "categories") is unclear/confusing (terminology). CKAN 3 is scheduled to provide a cleaner solution.

So far, this only allows renaming to "categories".


Supports CKAN 2.8. Renaming was only done for French so far.


To install ckanext-categroupy:

  1. Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example:

    . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
  2. Install the ckanext-categroupy Python package into your virtual environment:

    pip install ckanext-categroupy
  3. Add categroupy to the ckan.plugins setting in your CKAN config file (by default the config file is located at /etc/ckan/default/production.ini).
  4. Restart CKAN. For example if you've deployed CKAN with Apache on Ubuntu:

    sudo service apache2 reload


TODO: Finish this section

To add a new language, use something like

$ python init_catalog --locale YOUR_LANGUAGE

Replace YOUR_LANGUAGE with the two-letter ISO language code (e.g. es, de). Then edit the generated i18n/YOUR_LANGUAGE/LC_MESSAGES/ckanext-categroupy.po. You may copy existing translations from your language's ckan.po.

To keep up with new CKAN releases, you could do something like:

$ python update_catalog --locale fr -i ckanext/categroupy/i18n/ckan.pot -o ckanext/categroupy/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ckanext-categroupy.po

But please do not remove strings found in older CKAN versions as long as this plugin supports these versions.

Once a .po file is completed, compile the .mo file using:

$ python compile_catalog

Development Installation

To install ckanext-categroupy for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do:

git clone
cd ckanext-categroupy
python develop
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt