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TD3 Algorithm

The TD3 algorithm uses two critic networks and selects the smallest value for the target network. To prevent overestimation of policies propogating errorthe policy network is updated after a set number of timesteps and the value network is updated after each time step. Variance will be lower in policy network leading to more stable and efficient training and ultimately a better quality policy. For this implementation, the actor network is updated every 2 timesteps. The policy is smoothed by adding random noise and averaging over mini-batches to reduce the variance caused by overfitting.

TD3 Algorithm from

Project assumptions

Papers Consulted

  1. Van Hasselt, H., Guez, A., and Silver, D. Deep reinforcement learning with Double Q-Learning. In Thirtieth AAAI conference on artificial intelligence(2016).
    In order to reduce bias this method estimates the current Q value by using a separate target value function.
  2. Hasselt, H. V. Double Q-Learning. In Advances in Neural Information ProcessingSystems(2010), 2613–2621.
    In actor-critic networks the policy is updated very slowly making bias a concern. The older version of Double Q Learning uses clipped double Q learning. This takes the smaller value of the two critic networks (the better choice). Even though this promotes underestimation, this is not a concern because the small values will not propogate through the whole algorithm.
  3. Fujimoto, S., van Hoof, H., and Meger, D. Addressing function approximation error in actor-critic methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.09477, 2018.
    Original citation for the PyTorch implementation fo Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (TD3), source code
  4. Schaul, T., Quan, J., Antonoglou, I., and Silver, D. Prioritized experience replay.arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.05952(2015).
    Prioritized experience replay- See Overleaf article summary.

Code References

  1. TD3 Algorithm Code from Towards Data Science implementation of Addressing function approximation error in actor-critic methods.
  2. OpenAI Gym, Replay Buffer and Priority Replay Buffer
  3. TD3 Implementation Used for TD3 algorithm implementation.
  4. DQN code from Richard Lenz, UNF

Bellman Equation Notes

  • State: what the agent is observing at a time step
  • Action: the input the agent provides to the the environment, calculated by applying a policy to the state
  • Reward: the feedback for the action


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$ virtualenv <env_name>
$ source <env_name>/bin/activate
(<env_name>)$ pip install -r path/to/requirements.txt

Run VREP Headless

Launch VREP with following command. (You'll need to update the path to the vrep file.)

V-REP/ -h -q /home/cislocal/Jupyter/V-REP_Scenes/baxter.ttt -gREMOTEAPISERVERSERVICE_19999_FALSE_FALSE

Then in the Vrep_SIM class I had the following line to start the simulation:

errorCode = vrep.simxStartSimulation(self.clientID, vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait)

I placed this line after the print('Connected to remote API server') in the Vrep_SIM class.


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