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A python based virtual assistant.


This project has a lot of dependencies:

  1. SpeechRecognition 3.8.1 pip install SpeechRecognition
  2. pyttsx3 pyttsx3==2.6
  3. webbrowser comes pre-installed
  4. wikipedia pip install wikipedia
  5. urllib comes pre-installed
  6. lxml pip install lxml
  7. nltk pip install nltk
  8. googlesearch pip install beautifulsoup4 && pip install google
  9. pygame pip install pygame
  10. yr-python pip install python-yr
  11. time comes pre-installed
  12. math comes pre-installed
  13. os comes pre-installed
  14. PyAudio pip install pyaudio*
  15. json comes pre-installed
  16. request pip install requests
  17. random comes pre-installed

I have included a requirements.txt file to help speed up the process, but The pyaudio module might not install. (See below)

* PyAudio is very difficult to get on windows try the pip command and if that fails, go to stackoverflow and follow the instructions. That was what worked for me. If that doesn't work, and you've got Conda try to Conda install it.


The project has a few notes to consider.

  1. At the top of the code, there is a line that says weather = Yr(location_name='South_Africa/KwaZulu-Natal/Durban/'. Inbetween the single quotes you will have to put your location. You can find it by going onto yr, searching your location and taking the place from the URL after the /place and putting inbetween the single quotes.
  2. There are a lot of lines that contain the following line of code: speech = sr.Microphone(device_index=2). I had to make my microphone's device index 2 because that was the microphone I want to use. You might have to change this around to whatever input device suits your needs.

Use of my code

A custom license is used. This work is under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. If you want to use my work please give me attribution. A valid attribution URL is


I used some sound files for the on and off sounds. They are both listed under Atribution 3.0

Sound file 1

  • Title: Robot Blip
  • Uploaded: 01.11.11
  • License: Attribution 3.0
  • Edits: Changed format from mp3 to ogg
  • Recorded by Marianne Gagnon

Sound file 2

  • Title: Robot Blip 2
  • Uploaded: 01.05.11
  • License: Attribution 3.0
  • Edits: Changed format from mp3 to ogg
  • Recorded by Marianne Gagnon

I also used a joke API from fellow Github user: Sv443. I did not have to give attribution but the project is here: Joke API. Please go give him a star and add some jokes to the API here!