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Releases: CastProject/Cast

Cast 1.0 Beta 2

22 Nov 22:27
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Cast 1.0 Beta 2 Pre-release

Hey, hi, hello. I'm feeling like a super-star today and am ready to release Cast beta 2.

New features
  • Response wrapper for messages! Makes user interaction simplified by letting you reply, edit and delete one message instead of a bunch of messages you're sending out. This is completely optional to use but heavily encouraged to ensure continuity among plugins. The response wrapper also includes methods to flag actions as failed/succeeded.
  • Promises are now in Promise<void> form where they were previously Promise<any>
  • Commands can no longer return a boolean. This was done because the functionality and purpose of the boolean was unclear and hard to maintain.
  • Booleans can now be used as command arguments

Cast 1.0 Beta 1.1

01 Oct 02:22
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Cast 1.0 Beta 1.1 Pre-release

This is a minor update which adds some key features that Cask 1.0 Beta 1 (to be released tomorrow) uses.

New Features:
  • Added a description property to commands
  • Added shortcuts to the Cast object for commands
  • Added a plugins shortcut on the Cast object which maps to pluginContainer.plugins

Cast 1.0 Beta 1

30 Sep 18:05
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Cast 1.0 Beta 1 Pre-release

Hello! Let me start off by saying this release is definitely a doozy. This is a complete rewrite of the Cast standard... in TypeScript. I decided to rewrite Cast in TypeScript for many reasons, but the biggest reason was compatibility. The coding style and the way the CastAPI and Cast were intertwined did not make for a very friendly (or documentable) standard. With TypeScript, I was able to ensure the CastAPI (now known as Cast) remains truly an open-standard. I hope you enjoy developing plugins for this platform as much as I enjoyed developing the platform.

The documentation for Cast is available here and will be improved as time goes on.

New Features:


Breaking Changes:


Removed Features:


CastAPI 17w26c Snapshot

28 Jun 18:19
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Lets roll!

This update is not critical, but includes breaking changes.

New Features

Breaking changes

  • Interacting with this.client in commands and plugins may not work as it did previously. For Cast-related operations, call this.cast.

Cast 17w26b Snapshot

26 Jun 17:40
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Cast 17w26b Snapshot Pre-release

Here we go again! Time for the second snapshot of CastAPI.

This snapshot is a critical update for users running the 17w26a Snapshot

New Features

  • Added an experimental permissions system! Read up on it here
  • Plugins can now be enabled/disabled
  • Added informative embeds to the EmbedBuilder
  • The version is part of the CastAPI exports
  • The CommandsManager now has a method to duplicate groups when you will be making modifications to it that you do not want to reflect globally
  • CastAPI supports DMs!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the bot from starting properly
  • Fixed a bug that prevent informative, success or error embeds from being generated.

Important Notes
The permissions system is likely to change in the next few snapshots. The change will be minuscule but break commands that implement the permissions system.

CastAPI 17w26a Snapshot

26 Jun 02:49
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Here we go again! Time for the second snapshot of CastAPI.

New Features

  • Added an experimental permissions system! Read up on it here
  • Plugins can now be enabled/disabled
  • Added informative embeds to the EmbedBuilder
  • The version is part of the CastAPI exports
  • The CommandsManager now has a method to duplicate groups when you will be making modifications to it that you do not want to reflect globally
  • CastAPI supports DMs!

Important Notes
The permissions system is likely to change in the next few snapshots. The change will be minuscule but break commands that implement the permissions system.

CastAPI 17w25a Snapshot

23 Jun 14:19
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Whew! A few days of hard work sure paid off, and I'm proud to say that CastAPI is ready for an alpha release.


CastAPI is a wrapper for Discord.JS which makes a standardized way of responding to messages and interacting with the user. The following utilities are available for communicating with users:

Provides methods that let developers create standardized success/error embeds

Provides methods that let developers reply with embeds and optional self destruction (defaults to true)

CastAPI also has plugin support! Plugins are able to listen for events using the same event IDs as Discord.JS. An example plugin is available here. This is a simple plugin with one command, which is perfect to get you started. If you're interested, check out the documentation on plugins here.

A core component of plugins is commands. They're how users interact with plugins!

The BaseCommand provides a structure that all bots implementing the CastAPI can recognize and interact with. When executed, they are automatically passed the message object, response object and arguments.

Known Bugs and Issues

  • Commands and plugins cannot log properly when using the this.log shortcut. In order to log with the command/plugin prefix, run this.logger.log as a workaround.