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Releases: Carifio24/SpellbookiOS


06 May 13:15
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The spellbook has been updated with the following new features:

  • Relevant content from The Book of Many Things has been added (#31)
  • Add description of royalty component to spellcasting info (#29, #30)
  • Fixed a mistake in the higher level text for Erupting Earth (#33)


26 Feb 23:33
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The spellbook has been updated with the following new features:

  • The ability to filter spells by royalty has been added (#20).
  • The count for each spell list is now shown next to the list name in both the side menu and the bottom navigation bar (#26).
  • Don't immediately remove spells from list view if they're removed from the list via the table buttons (#27).
  • Fix a bug where the navigation bar could be hidden on scroll in the spell slots controller (#28).

Additionally, this update fixes some typos and mistakes in the text for a few spells (#21, #22, #25).


07 Dec 19:51
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Updates in this release includes:

  • Add content from Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn (#15) and Sigil and the Outlands (#16)
  • Fix issue with the long-press interaction in filter grid buttons (#17)
  • Fix mistakes in text for Legend Lore (#18)


09 Nov 15:20
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This update adds a button to the spell window allowing a character to cast a spell. This uses a spell slot of the appropriate level, if one is available. (#14)


25 Sep 23:54
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This update adds a button to the spell slots screen that allows the current character to regain all of their used spell slots.


15 Aug 20:36
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This update involves a major rework of the app architecture. The primary updates are outlined below:

  • The app architecture has been reworked to do state management with ReSwift. While there are still a few lingering bits of coupling between controllers, this mostly disentangles them and should keep things more modular and cleaner in the future.
  • The character profile has been modified and is now composed of a name together with three statuses - one for sort/filter settings, one for spell filters, and one for spell slots.
  • The ability to add spell slots (total and used) for each character has been added, with the corresponding view controllers to manipulate these.
  • The abilities to copy the JSON representing a character, and to import a character from JSON, have been added.
  • Move package management from Cocoapods -> Swift Package Manager.