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Nextcloud Rsync

Rsync scripts to backup your Nextcloud data to another machine.

The repository also includes mail scripts that sends mails with error logs and weekly logfiles to a specified receiver.


These scripts are made in Shell for Linux.

Tested using Nextcloud versions 18-20 and Ubuntu.


  • Install Nextcloud and configure it
  • Download this script (git clone
  • Configure all variables (in and
  • Configure automatic executions (using crontab or similar)

Rsync scripts

Scripts that backups you Nextcloud using Rsync over SSH.


Supports both user folders and other files and folders.

Users are added in the USERNAMES array in

Special jobs are added in the SPECIALJOBS array in


Before use make sure to configure the following variables in More information can be found in the file itself.

Normal Config

  • LOGFILE - The file name of the logfile used (Recomended to leave untouched)
  • LOGPATH - The file path to the logfile used (Recomended to leave untouched)
  • SOURCEPATH - Path where the backup data is located
  • TARGETPATH - Path where the backuped date should be sent
  • TARGETIP - IP to the server/computer that should recive the data
  • SSHPORT - Port for SSH that Rsync should use
  • USERNAMES - Array of users folder that should be backed up, specified with spaces in-between
  • DAYS - After how many days the logs should be removed

Special Config

  • SPECIALJOBS - Array of special files and folders

Mail scripts

These scripts sends a mail with errorlogs and weeklylog files.


Currently supporting TLS email servers.

SSL is not tested.


To use mail scripts you need to configure the following variables in More information can be found in the file itself.

  • fromaddress - The adress the mail will be sent from
  • toaddress - The adress that will receive the email
  • username - Username of the fromadress
  • password - Password for the fromadress
  • ip - IP to the server for the fromadress
  • port - Port to the server for the fromadress

Examples are pre-filled in the file.

Disable error log mails

To disable error logs emails, remove this line python3 ./ "$LOGPATH" "$LOGFILE" "Rsync fail" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGPATH/$LOGFILE and the following if error checks in (Click the link to get it highlighted)

Weekly mails

To get weekly mails the script needs to be executed once a week, preferably at Sundays or Mondays.

Using Cron

The script can be executed using cron jobs. The following into your crontab jobs file:

#Send a weekly mail about the weeks Rsync jobs (Sunday at 18:00)
0 18 * * 0 <USER> cd <DIRECTORY> && ./

Configure the variables before saving.

  • <USER> - The Linux user that should execute the job
  • <DIRECTORY> - The directory that all the scripts are located inside

Coming features

Being worked on

  • Discord Webhook integration


  • Large backup size difference check
  • Send mail for SSL mail servers


  • Config file
  • Setup command for automatic setup