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OTB Frequency Resample Module

This standalone OTB module is a wrapper of the Sirius library. It provides an image to image filter which resamples an image in the frequency domain. This filter is packaged in the application FrequencyResample.


How to build

This module is using CMake to build its libraries and executables.



OTB Frequency Resample Module depends on the Sirius library. In order to find the library using CMake find_package helper, SIRIUS_ROOT must be set to a Sirius install directory.

Build as standalone module

This OTB module can be built outside the OTB project as a standalone module. It only requires an OTB build tree (e.g. SuperBuild generation).


  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel
  • SIRIUS_ROOT: path to Sirius install directory
  • OTB_BUILD_MODULE_AS_STANDALONE: set to ON to build FrequencyResample as a standalone module
  • OTB_DIR: path to the OTB build tree CMake directory
  • BUILD_TESTING: set to ON to enable tests


git clone
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
         -DSIRIUS_ROOT=/path/to/Sirius/install/directory \
         -DOTB_DIR=/path/to/OTB/SDK/lib/cmake/OTB-x.y \
cmake --build . --target FrequencyResample-all

Local build of the remote module

This module can also be built inside the OTB project (cf. OTB documentation).


  • Module_FrequencyResample: set to ON to activate FrequencyResample remote module
  • SIRIUS_ROOT: path to Sirius install directory


git clone FrequencyResample
cp -r FrequencyResample /path/to/OTB/Modules/Remote
cd /path/to/OTB/build/directory
cmake /path/to/OTB -DModule_FrequencyResample=ON -DSIRIUS_ROOT=/path/to/Sirius/install/directory
cmake --build . --target FrequencyResample-all

How to use

Host requirements

FrequencyResample application

The following example will zoom in /path/to/input/image.tif by 2, apply the filter /path/to/filter/image.tif to the resampled image and write the output into /path/to/output/image.tif.

# CWD is the OTB build directory
./bin/otbcli_FrequencyResample \
    -in /path/to/input/image.tif \
    -out /path/to/output/image.tif \
    -resampling.ratio 2:1 \
    -filter.path /path/to/filter/image.tif


The following code is a boilerplate to create and initialize the FrequencyResampleFilter component.

#include "otbFrequencyResampleFilter.h"

using FilterType = otb::FrequencyResampleFilter<DoubleImageType>;

// initialization parameters
sirius::ZoomRatio zoom_ratio(2, 1);

sirius::Image filter_image = {...};
sirius::Filter freq_filter = sirius::Filter::Create(filter_image, zoom_ratio);

sirius::ImageDecompositionPolicies image_decomposition =
sirius::FrequencyZoomStrategies zoom_strategy =

FilterType::Pointer i2i_filter = FilterType::New();

// init filter
i2i_filter->Init(zoom_ratio, std::move(freq_filter),
                 image_decomposition, zoom_strategy);
